Chapter 2- All Over TV.

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Lincoln Esme p. o. v

" I love you. " I smiled as I kissed Olivia and Lola's heads.

" Thank you! " I spoke to the nanny, Sarah. She's only the top best, supplied by the rich part of my family. Not extremely close, but it was for the girls so they helped.

" Anytime of course! Especially with what's going on! That's crazy what happened last night! I'm glad you and girls are okay. " She smiled.

" Wait, how do you know? " I creased my eyebrows. Extremely confused, as I know I didn't tell her.

" It's all over TV! Claiming some terrible creature has been making its way out of the woods. " She gasped as she rubbed my arm.

" Please keep my girls safe. I'll be back tomorrow. " I said as I kissed them again, walking out as I kept repeating what Sarah said over and over in my head.

" Terrible creature has been making its way out of the woods. "

I slightly shuddered, knowing that whatever this thing is, has been in my house. Close to killing me and possibly my girls.

I got into my car as I drove home, cops are everywhere. Down the road, up the road, in my driveway. One is even staying the night inside my house to make sure nothing to gets in, some are staying outside in their cars to watch.

I pulled in and put my car in park, shutting it off as I circled the keys on my finger and shoved them into my purse as I got out and walked towards my house. Opening the door, seeing many police just standing in my living room. 7 police are standing in my living room.

" Miss Lincoln, everyone has been stationed outside and know where to go. Rome will be the one to stay inside and guard you in case they come back. " The Sheriff said, Jake Mason.

" Alright. Thank you. " I smiled.

Do I fix the spare bedroom? Will he be sleeping? Will he stay up all night?

" I'll be staying up all night. I'm going to go fetch coffee soon so that will help me stay up. " Rome smiled.

I slightly blushed as I realized I spoke all of that out loud, instead of in my mind, which is what I meant to do.

" Can I go with? Get some snacks and movies? I'm sure I won't be sleeping either. " I said as I kept seeing the arm turn into a hand over and over. Then I kept hearing his growls as he held me against the stairs.

Franklin is here, but I won't be letting him out for awhile. The police will walk him, my yard will be getting fenced in very soon. I pray to keep unwanted beast out of my yard.

"  Of course! " Rome smiled as the police began to leave.

After we fetched movies, snacks, and coffee, we set back for the house. The further I got from my home, I noticed my neck really was hurting. I wasn't just finding something to distract myself from all the crazy running around. I rubbed my neck as I walked upstairs, into the bathroom as I used it. I then walked to the sink and washed my hands. Pulling my long hair into a massive messy bun and I then gasped, my hands flying to my neck as I saw a huge mark on it.

He had bit me, I knew, but this was not here this morning or this afternoon. It has taken a day for this mark to show up.
I should tell the police. What does this mark even mean?

" Rome? " I called as I walked downstairs, my hand against my neck.

" What's the matter, Lincoln? " He asked as he came into the living room, holding his coffee.

" I told you he bit me," I started as I looked at him.

" Yes. No visible marks though? " He asked, quite confused.

" This has just showed up. " I said as I removed my hand and watched as his eyes widened, mine widening too, as his entire face began to freak out.

" Marked. " He muttered.

" What does that mean? What is this on my neck? What's going on? " I began to freak out.

As Rome went to talk, the phone began ringing.

This can't be good.

I'm living a fucking horror film, only this isn't a film! This is real fucking life and it's not funny!

" Answer it. " Rome said as I grabbed it.

" Unknown number," I mumbled as my finger hovered over the answer button. I took a deep breath and clicked it, raising the phone to my ear.

" Hello? " I asked, you could hear the fear in my voice.

" Lincoln Esme, " The deep voice spoke.

It was him from the other night. I couldn't forget that voice if I tried.

" W-who is this? "

" Unimportant. How is that mark? Finally showing up? " You could practically hear the smirk he was wearing.

" Yes. " I said as I put him on speaker so that Rome could hear.

" What's with the police gathering? You don't want to see me? The kids don't want to see me?" He continued.

I was about to blow.

" Stay away from me and my kids. " I yelled at him, taking him off speaker as I shoved the phone against my ear," Don't come towards my house! Stay away from anything that has anything to do with me! Stay in the woods, where beast like you belong. " I snarled at him.

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