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Tristan's P.O.V
I woke up still holding hands with Bradley. His hands were soft as a baby's. He was still sleeping, he was calm like an angel. I sat there for just a moment, listening to him breath against my chest. He was flat against me, trying not to fall off the edge. I couldn't bring myself to shake him awake, so I stroked his soft, curly brown hair. "Morning, beautiful. We have to meet James in an hour," I whispered softly as I could. He slowly fluttered his eyes. He yawned quietly. "Morning, Trissy." Trissy. That was a name I'd never heard anyone called me. But I liked it. If someone else was to call me that, I probably wouldn't like it. But with Brad, it was different. I was lovestruck. I didn't care what Brad called me, as long as he was with me. "Do we have to get up? I really want to just cuddle. Can we just cuddle?" His voice was cute and soft. I wished. "Later. Now, we have to get ready to meet James." He groaned. He did get up though after about 3 minutes. He stuck his tongue out at me. "It's not my fault you're lazy," I laughed. "You're lazy," he laughed back. "Love ya back," he rolled his eyes. I dropped my mouth dramatically. "You know I love you. Don't be sarcastic." I turned on me heel and pretended to pout. He walked over to face me. "Drama queen." We both smiled. He kissed me quickly, just enough to put the point across. "Now I love ya to pieces, but this is not an excuse to stop getting ready," I said. I pointed to his door. "Get on clothes, you can't possible walk uptown wearing that," I finished. "You love me like this," he smirked. I smacked him in the back, friendly like. "You do," he  teased and ran into his room. I blushed. Ten minutes later, Brad came out wearing something. "Finally! We have to meet him in 5!" "Minutes?" "No, hours you dumbass. Of course minutes!" I laughed. "Well then let's go Trissy!" He slipped on sandals, although it was cold. We walked out of his flat and locked the door. We locked fingers together and walked down the stairs. We walked to the end of the block and turned. There was James sitting on the corner bench, and his eyes were red. He had been crying, it was quite obvious. He looked up for 10 seconds before running up to Brad to squeeze him. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't know." "No, I'm sorry. I hadn't came out yet, and I got super mad. I was over reacting. I'm so sorry." They stayed in the hug for at least 2 minutes. "So, you wanted to tell me something?" James asked while sniffing back more tears. "Yeah, but I.... I can't explain it. We have to show you it," Brad said. He intertwined our fingers and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed. "OMG, you guys'll be so cute together!" James shrieked. "Wait.... When did you start saying OMG?" Brad laughed. James ignored him. He pulled us in a tight hug, shaking a little. "Oh gosh, I'm gonna cry again," he laughed. "Don't cry!" I laughed too. We kept on talking for what seemed like an hour. Chatting about our songs and different things. Finally, James finished. "See you on Friday with our new member!" He said before running into his vehicle and driving away fast as possible. We looked at each other. "What?" We both said at the same time excitedly. "Oh my heebie jeebies!" We both burst out laughing. "We have a new band member!" I said excitedly. "I'm calling James right now, he's not getting back out of this conversation," Brad laughed. "So.... He'll play base and sing back, right?" I asked him. He stuck his index finger up at me, giving me a look that said, 'shut up.' "James, you're not getting out of this. You better call me back, or else. See you at practice tomorrow at 3 for practice!" Brad finished. "Answering machine?" I asked. "Answering machine." He finished. He breathed out heavily. "Hey, let's go to the mall, yeah?" He asked/demanded. "Yeah. I've got my vehicle at your house still. We'll drive." "No duh, what did you think? We're we gonna walk?" Brad laughed. "Well maybe!" "C'mon, ya big dummy," Brad calmed. He slapped my back lightly. "You suck," I laughed. We started back to his house, hand in hand.

Brad's P.O.V
Trissy had his hands over my eyes, guiding me through the jam packed mall. "What are you doing? Where are you taking me?" I laughed. He then removed his hands from my face. In front of me stood a large restaurant. It had large shelves of records. There were tables with brown paper for colouring. I knew this place. It was the restaurant that had just opened, Musical Bites. I had been dying to go there. I looked up at him, and he looked down at me. His eyes were sparkling blue. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled close to him. "I love you so much," I whispered. "Happy first date." I smiled. We walked in and took a seat. "I'm paying," I said. He stayed quiet. I nudged his arm. "Sh, I'm ignoring you." I tried to look offended. "Don't ignore me!" I acted surprised. "That's a good face, keep it like that," Trissy said and took out his phone. Before I knew it, he had smiled and taken a picture of us. He quickly turned off his phone, knowing that I would want to see it. "Show me it!" I demanded. "Why? You look beautiful no matter what." I blushed and looked down. I covered my face, I was embarrassed. He moved my hands and tilted my head up. "You're adorable when you blush." My stomach was in butterflies. Before we could kiss, the waiter came. "Hello and welcome to Musical Bites, what can I get you to drink?" "We'll both get orange fizz," he said. "Thanks," we both said. "How could you possibly know that?" I asked. "Just a wild guess." He paused. "And you told me last night when I went to buy you pop." "You bought me pop?" "No, I'm kidding. I just guessed." "Well, you guessed right." He connected our fingers together. "You can get anything," he told me. "No, I can't do that." "Yes you can, and you are." Music started to play. I knew this song. It was Oh Cecelia. I was humming along. I started to sing the lyrics in the chorus. "Your singing is so beautiful, Brad." I blushed again. Everything was going well. I saw a couple come in. I couldn't put my tongue on who the girl was, but I recognized the boy. I took a deep breath in. Trissy squeezed my hand. "You ok, baby?" "Yeah," I lied. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Michael walking towards us.

Heyyyy Tradleyinators🌺😛
So I've Got some DrAmA coming up SoOn😎😝
SorRy for the shOrt chaPter😅😏
So keep rEadiNg ya awesome pEePs✌🏻️😘
(I wonder what'll happen with Michael....?)
Peace out and stay tuned😍💚

Tradley Evanson ~Shattered~Where stories live. Discover now