"We can stop somewhere on the way to Port Angeles," I offered. "Even if we just get you one of those power bar things, for energy."

Bella laughed. "You mean a granola bar?" I shrugged. "Sure that would be nice, thank you."

I held the car door open for her once she finished her coffee. We drove to the gas station outside of town so I could fill up my corvette. "Here," I said sticking several twenties in her hand. "Buy whatever you would like."

Her eyes widened at that sight of the money, which was at least one hundred dollars, I didn't check before giving it to her. I had a feeling she had never held this much money before in her life. "This is too much," she said trying to hand all buy one twenty back to me. She didn't bring a purse or anything so I was assuming she had no money on her and that was the only reason why she was accepting it. That and I wouldn't let her buy anything.

"Take it," I said refusing to take the money back. "I don't know how much things cost and who knows you might need it. If not you can use it some other time. By the way I got you something." I pulled her new cell phone out of my purse and handed it to her. "Mine and Emmett's numbers are already in there for you." I thought about adding the others but it was best that I didn't. I'm sure Carlisle is mad at me for coming back.

"Thank you," Bella said blushing. Her blush was adorable. She turned and walked to the mini mart and I am ashamed to admit I watched her back side as she went.

Bella came back as I finished filling up my car. She had a small bag with only two items in it in one hand and a bottle of water in her other hand. I quickly replaced the nozzle and opened the car door for Bella. "I suppose it would be pointless to try and give you back the change?" Bella asked. I glanced at her and she was smiling.

"You would be right," I said smirking at her. "I wouldn't take the money back no matter how hard you tried." She ate quietly while I sped down the highway.

"Wow this is beautiful," Bella said when I pulled into the parking lot. I wanted to tell her nothing was beautiful compared to her but I held my tongue. That would open a can of worms that neither of us were ready for.

"It is," I agreed, looking at her.

I escorted Bella up to my apartment and held my breath as I opened the door. Her opinion mattered more to me more than anyone else's. Bella was speechless when we got inside. She had the biggest smile on her face. I didn't think I had ever seen her smile like that, not even around my idiot brother. "I love your apartment," Bella said stepping inside.

The apartment wasn't as glamorous as I usually got but it was comfortable. I know Bella preferred comfort to glamor. "Thank you," I said taking her coat and trash. I hung up the jacket and ran to the kitchen to dump the trash. "Let me give you the tour." I linked my arm with hers and led her around. My apartment had two bedrooms, one for my stuff and one for Bella if she ever wanted to stay the night. Only her bedroom had a bed in it.

"Why does this room have a bed in it?" Bella asked as I showed her her bedroom.

"This room is for you, if you ever want to stay the night here," I told her. "You are always welcome to stay."

Bella had a few tears rolling down her cheeks when I glanced at her. I couldn't stop myself from reaching up and wiping them away. "Why are you crying Bella?"

"It's nothing. I'm just really happy and thank you," she said. It took me a minute to figure it out. My family never offered her a bedroom when we all lived in Forks, it was always assumed she would sleep in Edward's room, but here I was, the ice queen, showing Bella that she was part of the family, part of my family and that I wanted to keep her around. I was giving her a room and a sense of privacy.

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