
it was around seven in the evening when the sun started to set. tyler and i made our way back to the grassy fields. there was a clearing and that's where we decided to set up our fire. tyler laid out a blanket and set out some snacks for us to eat while i started the fire. once the fire was ready i sat down next to tyler, he moved closer to me and nuzzled his face in my neck. he started placing featherlight kisses underneath my jaw, his warm breath hitting my skin sending chills throughout my body.

"i love you." he cooes

"i love you too, angel." i whisper loud enough for him to hear. "will you sing a song for me, please?" i gesture to his ukulele laying next to him. he nods his head and grabs his ukulele.

"okay i'm gonna warn you, i wrote this song not long ago. so really that means i haven't edited it so it's not the final product." i nod and give him a reassuring smile. "welp, here goes nothing." he huffs out.
his voice sounded like silk. his doe eyes are closed, eyelashes lay on top of his rosace cheeks. his body swayed from side to side in a slow motion.
god, i love this boy. i'm so glad i met him.
he's an absolute angel, i want to spend the rest of my life with him.
i, joshua william dun, am absolutely infatuated with tyler robert joseph.
i hope he feels the same about me.


*the next day*

tomorrow is my surgery, i'm so nervous, i keep thinking something awful is gonna happen. i trust ian, but i don't think i'm gonna do so well. tyler keeps assuring me that everything will be okay, and that i'm just nervous because it's a big surgery. i just want it done and over with so i don't have this sick feeling in my stomach anymore.

today tyler and i are just gonna stay home and cuddle. yesterday was fun, but we did a ton of walking around, so i just want to relax today. we took a bunch of pictures yesterday too, tyler obviously looked cute in every one of them. we had an argument the whole car ride home on who was cuter. tyler was being fussy and insisted that i was the cutest person in the whole universe, he wouldn't take no for an answer.


it was around two in the afternoon (a/n CaUSE ITS NINE IN THE AFTERnoON AND YOUR EYES ARE ThE SIze oF THE MOON. i apologize for that outburst.) when tyler suggested that we should make another fort. me, being the lazy self that i am, didn't want to make a fort. but since i'm such a great boyfriend, i got my lazy ass up and helped tyler make a fort.

we gathered up all the blankets and pillows in the house, and brought them up to my room. my mom noticed us making the fort, she went back in her room and gave us the rest of her pillows since she's going to work tonight and wouldn't be needing them. we both thanked her and continued setting everything up. after another ten minutes passed, everything was ready, tyler even raided my kitchen and brought up snacks. i turned on my laptop and went directly to netflix, as the loading screen was up tyler and i decided to watch some old movies. the first movie we were gonna watch was grease, then ferris buller's day off, heathers, finally ending it off with pulp fiction.

it was in the middle of grease when my mom knocked on the door. i yelled out a "come in" as she slowly opened the door. tyler, mercury, and i were all cuddled up in the fort as she popped her head in.

"boys, i just came to say bye. i left some money on the table if you guys want to order some food or go out to get something. i won't be home until nine, oh and josh remember you can't eat anything past midnight. your surgery is at ten, so as soon as i get home you better be ready. i love you both! goodnight boys, i'll see you tomorrow." she kissed both of us on the forehead and made her way out the fort.

"dude i love your mom." tyler mumbled.

"i do too, she's awesome." i said.


once heathers was over, tyler and i both got hungry. we really didn't want to make anything, or wait for food to come to the house, so we decided to go drive somewhere. it was already dark out and the temperature dropped, making us both shiver as we made our way to my car. i turned on the heater letting out a sigh of relief as warm air flowed throughout the vehicle. the car ride was pretty quiet, besides the faint whisper of music playing and tyler humming along. tyler decided to play In A Week by Hozier, it was one of my favorites and fit perfectly with the fall weather.

i drove to taco bell, because i knew tyler wanted it and because it sounded really good. we arrived at taco bell ten after nine, tyler wanted to eat at home so we went in the drive-thru. after i paid (well my mom did) we waited a couple minutes and got our food. the drive home was quick, we were there in no time. right as we got out the car, it started snowing. tyler looked up a smiled, the moon highlighting his features making his smile even brighter than it already was. i slowly walked towards him and pulled his chin down to look at me.

"you're so beautiful, you know that?" i leaned down and connected our lips. without any hesitation tyler started kissing back. he moved his hands to cup my cheeks trying to move us closer, if that even was possible. i slowly pulled away and pecked his red-tipped nose. "let's go back inside and finish our move, okay?" he just nodded in response.


the rest of the night was spent with warm cuddles and kisses here and there. i couldn't be any happier, tyler just makes me feel loved and wanted. as midnight approached, i decided to wake tyler up.

"tyler, baby c'mon wake up." i whispered in his ear.

"m'sleepy joshy, what's wrong?" he mumbled.

"it's midnight tyler, happy birthday baby boy." i started placing small kisses all over his face. he let out a small whine and started giggling.

"thank you, but it's late, get some sleep. tomorrow is a very important day and you need rest. goodnight joshy." he said

"goodnight ty." i whispered, while placing a small kiss at his temple. tyler moving around until he was facing me, he moved closer to me and nuzzled his head on my chest. i wrapped my arm around his waist and gave him a small squeeze.

"i love you j." he mumbled.

"i love you too, baby."

a/n: wow okay i spent way too much time on this chapter. you got a lil background on josh's dad. also i hate to say this, but the next chapter is the last one. before you all freak out, there will be an epilogue. anyways thanks for all the votes and comments. i love you all sm! - jay

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