Chapter 24: Wild Horses

Bắt đầu từ đầu

I quickly asked the mosquito for a damage update and it came back with a warning.

Sh*t. Apparently, we were leaking coolant.

I shifted myself so that I could take a closer look at the engine and indeed, there was liquid spilling from a damaged tube inside it.

God dammit.

“Peter, we are leaking coolant from the left engine. We need to find a place to land ASAP.”

“F*ck. Is there a planet nearby?”

“Only the Blueberry planet. And that is still an hour away.”

“How much time does the system think we have?”

“35 minutes before we lose the engine”


“Can we drift towards the planet?”

“Yes, but the landing will be very rough.”

“I’m immortal. I’ll survive.”

I glared at him.

“Well. I’m not. But I’m afraid we have no other options.”

“I’ll hold you and try to protect you when we enter the atmosphere, okay?”

I rolled my eyes but nodded. That actually might not be such a bad idea.

He unbuckled himself and swam up to me.

He caught my waist and started to unzip my dress.

“What are you doing?”

“We have another hour until we reach Blueberry. I can think of better ways to spend it then strapped to the passenger seat watching you drift in liquid.”

I grinned and pushed my buttocks against his groin.

“What did you have in mind?”

He pushed my dress down and bit my shoulder.

“Something new.”

Kieran’s POV

We left the coach behind and rode to the nearest big city.

She had been quiet the entire time.

Maybe I shouldn’t have fucked my food. Zea seemed hurt.

She acted fine now, but back there I saw the green eyed monster flash through her beautiful brown eyes.  

We turned left at th fork in the road and drove on to a small-sized city .

When riding through its main street we noticed that it much resembled early 19th century American towns.

The local blueberries were looking at us very suspiciously. Mmmm, definitely not a friendly town.

Zea looked ill at ease. “This will make it very difficult to blend in.”

“Do we need to?” I asked her.

“Yes, we cannot afford to attract any attention that might seep back to Roke.”

I nodded and we drove the horses to a corral behind what looked like a cattle auctioning place.

Zea jumped off and took the reins.

She looked up while caressing the horse’s mane.

“First we sell the horses and then we go and get some clothes and food.”


I dismounted and walked over to what seemed like a stable boy, while Zea tied the horses to a fence.

Fangs in SpaceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ