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~ Alphonse's POV ~~~>

Five minutes. Let me rest for five minutes, she said.

Likely to collect all her thoughts.

"Brother. I want to help her and all, but with her memories gone, we won't have a lot of time to search for the Philosopher's Stone. It'll be... kind of troublesome, to deal with."

As much as I'd like to deny that fact, there's a reason behind why we can always move forward. It's solely because we don't stop and wait. Wait for other people.

It's selfish, but... that's how it's always been.

Edward's stare remains focused as he speaks in a low voice. "We'll have to see what we can do in as little time as possible. But I have a feeling leaving her troubles to the government won't solve anything..."

"I feel the same way, Brother." The familiar creaking sounds of my armor weigh me down more than ever as I stand.

"But, for now, let's go see her."


~ Edward's POV ~~~>

I lift my automail arm hesitantly and knock three times slowly. "Miss, are you rested? May we come in?" The response I hear isn't in the tone I expect.

It's a fairly calm and normal, "yes."

Nodding to Al grimly, I turn the knob and push open the door, the hinges creaking slightly. Her posture isn't slouched anymore, and her smile isn't forced or anything.

Pulling up a chair from beside the mantle, I plop down on the chair while Al stands next to me.

"Right into it, then?" confirms the girl wistfully. "Well, introductions will be important. I do know that my name is (y/n). I don't have a last name that I can think of."

Nodding, I say, "my name is Edward Elric. This is my brother, Alphonse." The helmet bows forward courteously as Al greets, "it's nice to meet you."

Her voice is unwavering as she speaks. "How did you find me?" Pulling out a map from my coat pocket, I unfurl it and flatten it out on the table, gesturing for her to look.

"This city is where we are now," I inform while resting an automail finger on the spot. Dragging it across several miles out, I say, "and this is where you were."

Her (e/c) eyes widen slightly with astonishment and bewilderment. "Surely I wasn't this far away from civilization?" Her assumption was confirmed by my serious nod. "Then, how did you come across me?"

"That's the odd part. The Führer himself ordered us to take a look at what happened." She frowns and states, "get straight to the point."

Leaning back, I give a huff and answer, "you were at a meteor crash site."

Her jaw slacks slightly. Then, after a mild pause, she regains her composure with an embarrassed frown.

"It's not nice to poke fun."

"Not kidding."

"Yes, you are."

"Look," Al intervenes hesitantly, "(y/n), we know it must be hard to accept. Really hard! So I think we should show you. Right, Brother?"

My thoughts wander back to the long walk by foot to where we were needed to investigate. Casting a concerned glance in the girl's direction, I mention, "but she won't be strong enough."

Considering my hasty comment, Alphonse nods and says, "true. Hold on, I can just carry her."

(y/n), however, straightens up a little with surprise. "Uhm, no, really, I can walk on my own. It's fine! No need to carry me around."

Frowning, my eyes remain trained on her as she carefully rises from her seat, and with grim nod, she starts walking around. However, her gait looks slow and pained.

She stumbles once and I rush over to my guest and help support her, urging, "(y/n), you should rest and let Al do the work."

The girl's gaze becomes clouded with a slight confusion.

~ Your POV ~~~>

Why? Why do I feel this way?

The need to press no burden on them, the will to keep my troubles to myself. The sudden determination to bide the pain, and avoid inconveniencing the boys the slightest bit.

It's strange. After all, they're only strangers to me. I feel like my lips part to speak the words without any hesitation or doubt.

My insisting on walking by myself continues until we finally concede that Edward will lend some assistance.

Rather lightheaded and faint, it turns out his help is much needed. Though the sun has disappeared behind the horizon, the trek proves to be strenuous on my body.

The barely trodden trail beneath my feet keeps going for what seems an eternity. Unnerved by the silence, I begin to ask a few questions of my saviors.

"Edward, Alphonse?" The blond haired teen turns his head to the right to look at me. "Yes, what is it?"

"Your explanation was quite short. I barely know a thing about you two, and I believe it's only fit for me to be able to know my rescuers in order to thank them."

Looking straight again, Edward's right arm becomes rigid under my hand. "It depends on what you would like to know about us."

After a few moments of quiet, Alphonse speaks up. "Brother, I don't think it would do any harm. I trust (y/n). And I think she has a right to know." Grimly, I nod.

Sighing deeply, the boy stops walking, gently removing my grip from his arm. His red overcoat ripples as he pulls it off, revealing a black tank top. Gasping softly, I cover my mouth with a hand at the sight of an arm made of steel.

That's what I felt shift underneath his coat- his automail.

And so, I am pulled into the dark history of the Elric brothers.

The father's abandonment, their beloved mother's passing, Izumi, the alchemy teacher, that fateful night of Human Transmutation, binding Alphonse's soul to the armor, the State Alchemist test...

All of it, I learn. And an overwhelming sympathy overcomes me.

What terrors they endured, what hell they have seen...

"Well, here we are," Edward says after a while, interrupting my thoughts. "Here is where we found you."


I'll try and update sooner, but ya know, school. I'm not sure whether or not I'll commit to this story, but only time will tell.

Thoughts? Questions? Share 'em all!


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