(Calum) 'Right Next to You'

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SHIT 5 days till Christmas! I didn't even realize how quick it was going!!! Dedicated to Sara! Merry Christmas <3



You Toss and turn throughout the night, the heat taking over your body. You wake to the smell of something from the kitchen. "Oh good, you're awake! I uh... Attempted to make breakfast..." Calum says smiling. You laugh as you remember it's Christmas morning. "You didn't have to do that!" You smile at the thought of Calum cooking, knowing it probably didn't go that well. You take the bed sheets of your body and feel the fresh air of the room cover your skin in coolness as the sun shines through your curtain.

You walk down to the kitchen, following Calum as he shows of his 'masterpiece'. "What do you think?" Calum asks. "Well it looks good, but does it taste good?" You question as you see a plate of scrambled eggs and toast. You sit down on a kitchen stool as he places the plate in front of you. "That I hope so!" Calum chuckles. "Wait, so you haven't tried any?" You look back to Calum, as your eyes widen. "Pftt What! Of course I have!" He tries to convince you. "You know you should always try as you go along!" You point out. "Yeah, I knew that!" He laughs as he grabs you a knife and fork.

You chop a piece of toast with the egg on top. Placing it in your mouth and chewing. "So?" Calum says as he moves to sit next to you. You look at him and grin. "This is amazing! did you follow a recipe on Google?" You say suspiciously. "I- No... I did not do such a thing! How could you!" Calum acts hurt. Calum turns and faces the other way. You place a hand on his shoulder. "Hey! I was joking..." You cover up. Suddenly Calum face comes close to yours. He looks at you and whispers. "Of a matter of fact, I did!" Calum laughs hysterically.

"Now that's just cheating!" You laugh as Calum shoots up right. He helps himself to the other piece of toast, grabbing it and taking a bite. "You should know how to make it from your brain!" You continue. "Hey! I made breakfast for the first time! You should be proud!" Calum says as he swallows down some juice. "I am very proud! Oh Merry Christmas!" You say cheerfully. "Merry Christmas to you too!" Calum says as you finish your breakfast. Calum gets up and unexpectedly places his hands on your waist. He lifts you up bridal style and carries you too the lounge room.

"Calum!" You shriek. Calum lays you down on the couch as he lays on top of you. His hands either side. "Sara, all I want to do is be right next to you!" Calum whispers. "You've been next to me for 2 years!" You say looking at him, his eyes filled with love and lust. "I mean like this!" He says approaching you closer, his arms lowering down as your bodies connect together. His forehead to yours as he kisses your nose. "Right" he says placing a kiss on your forehead. "Next" Another on your left cheek. "To you!" He kisses your right cheek.

"You mean right on top of me!" You chuckle. "Yeah, I guess you could say that!" He grins as his lips finally meet with yours. Your hands cup his face as he looks up at you. "I could do this forever!" You smile and motion for his lips to be on yours. You kiss him with as much passion you can. Making sure to get every last breath of him. "I love you" you mumbled, Calum pecks your lips once more. "I love you too!"


So.... the other night I was listening to music and I typed about 50 titles for Imagines... so what I'm planning to do is just use the titles as ideas for imagines, that way I wont have to think of a scene and then make a title....

I'm hoping it will be easier and after Christmas I will be taking more time on the imagines so they're more longer and hopefully more detailed..

so yeah..... I'm taking no more requests UNTIL AFTER Christmas! so if you request one.... It will be up AFTER Christmas! Okay? Cool!

bye bye :) x

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