Chapter 1

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???'s P.O.V

Pain... Hot, wet, pulsing pain, that's all I can feel. My mind is scattered with panic and adrenaline, a survival instinct so strong in my psyche that all I can think about is 'keep walking, look for survivors.' I almost don't spot the group further down on the highway. But when I do, I immediately start running, or more like limping towards them with a speed I didn't know I still had in me. I was hoping the group was members of my own group, hoping they had escaped somehow. My hand sits on my shoulder, trying to stop the furious blood loss while simultaneously trying to keep my arm attached to the socket. My sniper rifle is slung over my back, placing a dangerous pressure on wounds that don't need it. In my free hand, I hold a knife, the only thing I can do, hoping not to lose feeling in my fingers.

I'm losing blood fast, and my entire body aches with writhing pains so intense I nearly can't see. Yet, despite the weight my body feels, I can barely keep my head up due to how defiant to gravity it's being, like a bobblehead swinging back and forth at the mercy of all forces affecting it, never knowing where or when to rest. Soon, I can't see out of my left eye, something hot and cold at the same time, thick and full drips and oozes out of the socket as I limp my way over to the figures. I approach two members of the group that I can see, what is left of eyesight fading fast like a headrush I can't seem to shake off.

They don't look like the group that attacked us. The fluffy haired guy and the dark-haired woman with him look about as friendly as you can get out here. That is, until I see the woman beside him aim her shotgun at me. My eyes widen, and my hand leaves my wound to outstretch towards her in an act of disarming her murderous gesture. The pressure, now gone, allows my arm to sag past what should be healthy, and the knife falls from my grip as my whole limb is now limp. I try everything I can to signal stop. My vision is but a pin in an expansive void, and I fear i'm losing consciousness. I attempt to mutter words of S.O.S., though I'm not entirely sure how much comes out before the concrete gets closer to me faster than I can process.

"Please...Help M-me." I feel myself collapse. But my vision has already been gone for a time by then, and I'm left with feeling only. It's something I don't get to hold onto for long as my entire body falls numb, and I drift away.

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