My Friends are Being Jerks

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Ok so I'm really sorry I have been inactive for like 4 months...

Anyways so do you want to hear the story behind the title? Yeah you do!

Ok so I'm literally so sad and angry right now mostly angry at my friends

What you need to know:
1. I'm at a church event and I'm going home in an hour
2. I love Harry Potter
3. There was an event last night that I couldn't go to because of the church event
4. My friends are normally jerks (😂😜)but this time it made me sad

Story time:
So I'm t this church event and I know this thing is going on at home that I really wanted to go to but I couldn't because of the church event.  ALL MY FRIENDS WENT TO THAT EVENT. Every last one and I was soooooo upset.  Then, two of them (my faves 😘) had a sleepover without me. Idec about the sleepover without me but there was this show that I told them about and they watched it without me and I was literally so mad that I flipped them off and hung up on the FaceTime.

Then, I find out that they are gonna do a Harry Potter marathon at my other friend's hause and I ❤️❤️❤️️❤️❤️️ Harry Potter. I asked if they would move it to next weekend so I could go but noooo they said they want to do it today and I'm literally so pissed at them.

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