"All right, if you want to talk, come and find me." He said. She thanked him and she soon was on her way back up to her Aunties 'home'. She went straight to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Weakness and she poured herself a glass. She tried to drink it slowly, but she couldn't. Her cravings got worse each day and she felt alone more then ever. She hated being a Hunter, but somehow she knew it was the right thing to do. The Four had better watch their backs.

When she was done she went down to the main meeting room, where her Aunt was getting ready to begin speaking.

"You're late Roan." Stella said as Roan sat down in between Drew and Aimee.

"Sorry I had some personal business to attend to and it couldn't wait." She said. Stella rolled her eyes and got straight down to business.

"Right Hunters, you lot here are our best and most skilled Hunters, one of you will be getting an important mission. This mission will need courage, bravery and intelligence." Stella began. "The three are a massive problem for us Hunters, but Number Two has been spotted and interrogated by another Hunter Team. Unfortunately, the boy got away, but they found out who he is, but wouldn't give any information away about his siblings. We do know that there is still no trace of the fourth." Everyone's eyes went wide at the thought of catching one of the three. They were like snakes, slippery in your grasp and one had been caught!

"Do you have a plan for this mission mum?" Drew asked.

"Yes as a matter of fact I do. This Hunter is going to find the Three and gain their trust. They will eventually will find the fourth and then whoever is chosen will eliminate them. Is that understood?" Stella asked. Everyone attending nodded. "Number Two is called Jake Braven. Remember that."

Everyone began to chat amongst themselves while Stella began to talk to Drew. Roan watched them carefully and listened in to their conversation using her hearing skills.

"I will tell her my plans for her with her session with me tomorrow morning." Stella said.

"Yeah it might be a good idea. Is she really ready for this though mum?" Drew asked.

"I think she is. All her life she has wanted to prove herself and this is her way of doing it. Anyway, she is the secret weapon, the clue's in the name." Stella said.

"Right everyone get out of here! I need the space!" She shouted at everyone and in one big rush they all tried to leave the room.

"Are you coming Roan?" Robin asked.

"I'll catch up, I just need to speak to Stella." She said. Her friends nodded and left without her. Roan went up to her cousin and Aunt then crossed her arms.

"What plan?" She asked.

"You overheard that?" Stella asked.

"Of course I did! I'm a Breathing Spirit remember! I can't learn how to use my powers, because you wont let me, so I have a right to use what I can."

Stella raised an eyebrow and began explaining her plan to Roan.

"Look Roan, because of what you are, we are going to use it to our advantage. We are going to disguise you in something like a mask, so you face can't be seen, even when someone is stood up close. We are going to make you known by Hunters and Breathing Spirits and feared by both. Your story will be made up of rumours. The Three will finally hear of you somehow and you can use it to get to them. We cannot give away which side you are on so you will have people to chase, including hunters. But right now don't worry about it." Stella said.

Roan rolled her eyes and headed to the door.

"Do you really think they will fall for that?" She asked as she slammed the door behind her. Actually she thought it was a great plan, she just didn't want to do it. It was unfair on her and this poor person she was having to kill, even though she had no idea who they are, where they are or how she would reach them. She stormed upstairs and went straight into the apartment and she banged the door shut and went straight to her room. She was tired, fed up and missing her parents terribly. She wanted them back and to be left alone. She hoped the Fourth would never be found, so the killing wouldn't be by her. As much as she didn't want the four to get together, this just felt plain wrong.

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