Chapter 6: Surprises Surprises.

Start from the beginning

As the paramedics came in, Nick helped me up. I used his shoulder for support and I leaned against him; I was still feeling faint.

"How did you get her to wake up?" Catherine inquired, looking puzzled. Uh-oh. I looked at Nick and I knew he didn't know what to say.

"I heard Nick say paramedics, and I snapped awake," I claimed. Okay, so it wasn't the best lie but I sure hoped it would work.

"But you weren't awake when Nick told us to go get the ice pack and the hot pack," Hodges chimed in.

Really Hodges? You just had to bud in. This was going to be harder than I thought.

"Does it really matter how she got up? All that matters is that she is up," Nick stated. That was close. We were almost busted.

Catherine gave Nick a look and I looked over at Sara, who was being very quiet through all of this. A small grin played at her lips but I could see her eyes were water filled.

"What's wrong Sara?" I asked, a bit worried. It wasn't like Sara to get emotional. She didn't reply and simply walked over and gave me a hug. I hugged her back.

"Welcome to the family," she mumbled, her breathing ragged.

"Thank you," I whispered, a tear running down my cheek. Eventually, our little hug turned into a group hug. I felt Nick grab the hand I wasn't using to hug Sara and he squeezed it. I smiled like I never had before.

I loved my new family.

"We should go celebrate," Catherine sniffled, wiping the tears brimming in her eyes. "How about this Saturday?"

"Sounds good to me," I approved. Everyone agreed.

For the rest of the week, everyone had smiles on their faces. At least those in the know. I figured they were either happy that their old boss had an extension of himself, being me; or that they were proud to have the daughter of Gil Grissom working for them. But maybe I had too much pride for my father. I didn't care as long as I was happy.


That Saturday morning, after our breakfast celebration, I told Gil he was a father. At first, his face was just as frozen as Elizabeth's. I became worried that the same thing would happen to him that it did her until he burst out loudly:

"What?! You're serious?! The results came back with alleles in common?" he nearly yelled, echoing my exact words.

"Yes, Gil. You're Elizabeth Mitchel's biological father," I clarified. I actually had to say this quite a few times. He still didn't believe me, so I pulled out the results from my bag and showed him. "Which would technically make her Elizabeth Grissom. "Do you see now?" I asked, holding up the paper so he could see.

He put on his glasses to get a better look and his eyes widened in response. He sat back in his chair and simply looked down.

"Oh my. How could this have happened? I mean, I know how but I don't remember when," he said, thoughtful.

"Gil. Don't think about how it happened or when it happened. Just think, you brought into this world something absolutely wonderful and you didn't even know it. I can't wait until you meet her. She's the best thing that ever happened to the lab. The night shift always seems brighter because she's there. And it's a little odd, because she's so much like you. Not saying that you're grim it's just, she must take after her mother on that one," I affirmed, realizing what I said was more than likely true.

"Just... Give me some time to take it all in," he said, taking a deep breath.

"Okay. I'll talk to you later then," I muttered, a little sad he wanted to finish talking to me so soon.

"Love you. Have nice weekend. Bye," he smiled and logged off.

Oh, boy. I was worried that he was not taking it well.


I couldn't believe the results came back positive for alleles in common. It was just too much to take in.

I have a daughter. I have a daughter. I tried to repeat that in my mind thousands of times but I could never get used to the thought. I have a daughter.

I did the math again. In December 1978, Evelyn told me she was leaving me. I do remember her saying that she wanted to be on her own for a while. At the time, I couldn't think of any reason why she would want to leave me. We never fought or anything. If Elizabeth was born August 25, 1979, she would be 32 this year, which is 2011.

If I did the math right, she would be my daughter. She is my daughter. Elizabeth Mitchel is my biological daughter! I had to think it again. Still not used to it.

I wondered what she looked like. Maybe she actually looked more like her mother than me. Did she really have my eyes? They were probably more like her mother's. Was her hair as curly and wild as her mother's? Did she have dark hair like me or blonde hair like Evelyn? All these thoughts buzzed through my head. I couldn't wait to see her. I wanted to know what she looked like and how she acted. I wanted to know everything about her.

After thinking for a while, I produced an idea. I figured I could take a leave of absence from here. They didn't need me that much. I decided to call Catherine.

*ring* *ring*

"Hello?" Catherine answered, her voice raspy.

"Catherine? It's Gil. I need your help," I told her.

"What?! Grissom? Are you back in Vegas?" she asked, sounding astonished. Me being back in Vegas was her first thought. How funny.

"No, but I'm coming home. And you can't tell anyone. It's a surprise," I told her, a grin spreading across my face. I couldn't wait to see their reaction.


The Friday before that weekend was very unexpected.

I was walking down the hallway with Nick, talking about our current case when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man standing in the lobby with a suitcase and duffel bag. He looked very familiar to me for some reason, as familiar faces go, and he turned his face towards me. He was looking directly at me and I thought I saw something like realization twinkle in his eye, and he looked at me in amazement. I watched Sara run towards him, embracing him with a hug, then turning him in my direction. I looked at Nick and he looked back with a knowing expression, a warm smile on his charming face. He walked towards the man and also gave him a hug. Catherine walked in through the front doors smiling with what looked to be car keys in her hand. She must have been the one to bring him, I guessed.

I just realized why he looked so familiar. I saw in him, myself, and acknowledged that he looked very much like me. I then recognized who he was.

Gil Grissom.

My father.

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