9 Years Later....

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  She dreamed of para- paradise......   

Chapter 2                                  

9 years have past since the birth of Garren Joz Marleo. Lash is now 14 years old, being to taught by his father, Ruece and TC. Retired starfighter pilot, Dante,who served as captain for the Rebellion. Was to service again for the New Republic. For there are rumors about of a new galactic evil order rising.Meaning the Marleo family and many other family's would be separated. All to protect there beloved galaxy from evil.

Garren's POV

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Garren's POV

I woke up this Saturday morning, very eager to start my day. I turn my head towards my clock telling time.0900 in the morning.Wow i really slept in today.Usually i don't get up this late. Reasons why is because my father wakes up my brother and i at 0500 in the morning. Waking up in the morning to do the mainly stuff we do.Like doing chores and learning.My brother and i don't go to school on Ithor. My father homeschool us, after all he is a teacher.

*My father as a boy didn't have much luck. My grandmother Garren, had died of a sickness leaving my father an unschooled orphan. As for my grandfather, he had died before he was born.His luck changed when a man, a jedi apprentice Ferus Olin, left TC with my father.TC is a tutor droid, and from there my father learned.*

          I got up and dress into my comfortable day clothes.As i headed towards the kitchen, you could hear pots and pans clanking together, the sound of breakfast baking. When i reached the kitchen, my father was first to greet me,for he was making Breakfast .

"Good morning, my little Sam"my father greeted me.

"Morning, father."i responded.

*My father calls me his little Sam even though my name isn't Sam. You see,Sam, in Ithor means Sun. So basically he calls me his little Sun.*

     Usually my mother would be making breakfast, but since she's on a mission, she's wasn't here to make breakfast.Ever since my mother been working for the New Republic, we hardly ever see her.

   "Where is Lash and TC?"i asked noticing my brother's and the droid's absence.

"Oh, they decided to start early today on the lesson."my father replied as i started to walk over to the kitchen table.

"Oh." i said while grabbing a chair and sitting slouching, drawing circles with my finger on the counter.

My father noticed my boredom as he said"You might want to go tell them that breakfast is almost ready."

I straighten up from my chair asking "Really?"

"Yup" he responded "I would go tell them, but i don't want the breakfast to burn"he chuckled.

I chuckled along with him as i left to go to the study room. As i reached the door of the study room, you could hear muffled cries. I open the door, slowly and ajar, so they wouldn't hear me come in.

"I just don't get it TC! I try and i try, but i just don't get it." my brother cried."Why on planets would they put that cable there?"
"Please, lash try again. I promise that--"

"No TC!" Lash said angrily.

"I not cut off for a pilot or a mechanic. I want to be a senator. Not this" lash said while gesturing at the chip with wires.

"Lash please try to understand that flying is not only defense, but also for safety. You see even joz has learned to fly expect you."

"TC' s is right. You need to fly. I don't want to be flying around my big brother. Knowing that he can fly on his own." I said disturbing the conversion while leaning on the door frame. Lash just sighed. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to let his family down.

"Fine. I'll fly. If you insist on it." He signed.

I turned to TC as i smirked. For my plan has finally work. It took months to make want to fly. But It was for his own good.

As I walked my way to lash saying "Well, the first thing you need to learn about flying is-----"I said but cut off by my father. Who had walked into the the room's door frame with large smile.

"What is it father?" My brother asked as my father still didn't drop his smile.
I mean sure,this isn't the first time we see him smile. But the smile was one we never seen before.

"Look who's at the living room" my father finally said.

Me and lash looked at each other with confused faces. My father gushed us out the room and into the living room. As we got there....

             And to not only see......

Oh a cliffhanger! O,who can It be?!?Hope you enjoy the second chapter! Sorry for not updating. Also in memory of Carrie Fisher who has died today. I have nothing to say but thank you for all the fun times in my childhood and now👏👏👏👏. She will never be forgotten and may she Rest In Peace. Please comment on what you think of the chapter and who you think is the mystery person🕵🕵🕵

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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