My Baby

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                         Salvina POV

As I put my key in the door I wonder what my baby girl was doing right now. She was the key to my heart. The light to my darkness. When her father denied her I was hurt and I felt like I failed her. My momma and I never had a good relationship but we're working on it. She always had to work work work but never had time for me. Leaving me in the house by my self hearing gun shot go off in the middle of the night everyday had me wanna to do better for myself later on in life. I bought myself a mansion that has 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, an indoor pit ball playground,  and a pool. Doing everything for myself is better than waiting for someone to do it for me. That's why I'm so independent and don't need a man. I only go to work after she goes to sleep and mom watches her then leaves when I come back to go to her job afterwards.

When I pushed the door open I'm was welcome with silence. All I could hear was the tv playing in the living room. When I walked in the living room I saw my mom sleeping on the couch.

" Hey mom, it's almost time for you to go to work" I said waking her up

" Hey baby you just gettin in " she said sitting up running her eyes

" Yes ma'am, I'm going to go upstairs and check on Royalty then go to bed." I said giving her a hug as she stands up.

" Ok see y'all later" she said walking to the door.

" You too" I said closing the door and walking upstairs.

I sighed as I saw that Royalty tv was still on and she was not sleeping.

"Hey mommy baby. Why you not sleeping?" I said

" I'm not tired" she said pouting

" Why" I ask her

" Because.... I don't know." she said shrugging her shoulders

" Weelllllll since you don't know I guess you won't be going to the PARK tomorrow." I exaggerated as I got up to leave her room

" Nooooooooooo Mwommy I'll go to sleep."she said pleading with me through her eyes

" Ok, ok I guess we can go if you go to bed." I said walking back to her bed

"Love you" I said

" Ok, Love you Too" she said smiling as I give a kiss and turn her tv off

When I finally went inside my room I quickly went into my bathroom to take a nice hot shower. Taking hit showers always had me thinking. Taking a shower was always a way that help me be calm and collected. I started thinking about how different it would be if my dad was I in the picture. Would I know how to choose a man better? Would I already be married by now? I don't know and I guess I'll never find out. My mom only told me that he would be in jail for a long time and would not be getting out no time soon but she never told me what he did to get send there. It's whatever though, I'll make it on my own with me and my baby girl.

When I finally got out the shower I put my clothes on and laid in my bed thinking again. I can't wait to quit my job and find something better for myself. Having a baby at 16 was not easy. I was constantly laughed at and teased for getting pregnant at a young age but I am graduating this spring with all a's and b's and will be doing the online college program to get a degree in business administration and management with a minor in entrepreneurship.

Finally my eyes start to closing. I fell asleep thinking about my favorite quote.
~ To Make It you Have To Take It, And To Take It You Have To Go Through It

Thank you everyone for continuing to read my book. Everything I write comes from my head . I may not be the best writer but I can see my book becoming one of the greatness. Please comment and like. Thank you ~ Angel

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