Of Friends and Foes

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I am Jesse. I live in Minecraft Storymode and I have a lot of friends. My friend Axel always has cookies.

I build so many things in Minecraft Storymode. I make zombies, creepers, and spiders. I have spawn eggs and I spawn everything in. Once I build a hut, I camp in it. Then Axel gives me a cookie. Ruben, my pig, also gets a cookie, because Axel gave him one too. 

I met Gabriel the warrior and he gave me an amulet. It has a lot of different colors. It was pretty. It lights up a lot of different colors and it can do magic. We had to place on something and make it light up. There was a fence around it and a banner with a picture of the amulet on it. There was dark wood planks underneath the amulet. 

Then I thought that Axel got 100 cookies, he had went to the Nether, and he found a chest full of cookies. It was a double chest with just cookies in it. I never knew that. And the pig zombies were having a party with them. Then because a ghast was looking at us he started to battle with us. We ran and there was a skeleton shooting arrows at Ruben the pig, then I saved Ruben with a stone sword. I fought the skeleton to death. I knocked the skeleton down in the lava. Then ghasts starting throwing fireballs at me, but I defeated them with the stone sword. One got hurt and 3 died.  Then we all rode away on a minecart and flew over the lava. Then we were safe. 

Then we found a Nether portal that led to a zombie. The zombie attacked Axel. I threw the zombie into the water and started fighting him to the death. He was killed once and for all. And Axel didn't get hurt. I got lots of hearts. 

Then we all built a hut out of dirt and put a door on it. We opened the door and camped in it. We were safe. 

We got back in town, and someone was going to chop Ruben with a stone axe, but I saved him. Ruben got hit with some zombies, but it made him really strong. He then battled the guy that was going to chop him and saved himself. Ruben came with me after that.  Then Ruben was very mad that I didn't speak to him, because I wanted Ruben to battle him all by himself. 

Then we saw a creepy dude that tricked someone that is my friend with a diamond but it was lapis. It was Ivor. He interrupted the guy who gave me the amulet.  Then it was Gabriel the warrior, but he couldn't defeat the Wither that was getting stronger and stronger. It was trying to kill everyone. Gabriel told us to go and be safe in the portal. The portal was not lit. I lit the portal with flint and steel. Then we started going to the portal and we heard a ghast. Then Ivor said it won't kill us through the Nether. Then the ghast came chasing after us. Then we got out of the Nether. 

Then there was a zombie that came attacking Axel. Then we found our town and we did it. Then the wither was sucking up everything. Then the rainbow statue was gone with the beacon. The wither did that. He sucked it up. I started running. Running as quick as I could so I wouldn't get sucked up and die. Everyone, even Ruben, ran away and didn't sucked up. We went under the gate.  There was fire everywhere. We had to jump over the fire. The wither tentacle was trying to get me and eat me, but I jumped over it. It didn't get me.

Then we were at the temple.  We actually went into the portal when it was not lit up. "Something isn't right here". So I lit it up. Then we were not safe from the ghast. We starting running so quick so the ghast wouldn't get us. We said "Ahhhhhhhhhh". We were running and yelling "ahhhhhhhh". Then we were running so quick and we were safe. We ran out of the portal.

We then built another hut. We went in it. We built it with dirt. We were safe in the hut. There was stone on the floor and we built a Nether rack and put flint and steel on it to make fire. We were safe. 

We lived happily ever after. The End.  

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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Minecraft Story by Liam (5)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें