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(A/N: listen to Crazy Girl by the Eli Young Band. It's what inspired

me for this chapter)    

    I woke up in a familiar pair of arms. I felt like hammered shit. My eyes were probably puffy from all the crying and my head hurt. Plus I was craving roast beef and pickles. I groaned and looked up at Bones. He smiled down at me. I bolted up and ran to the bathroom. Barely making it in time. I felt him come in and hold my hair for me. Also rubbing circles in my back. I finished and flushed the toilet. As I was brushing my teeth Bones just stood there watching me. I was trying to ignore him. I turned to him once I was done.   

   "What do you want,Bones?" I asked a little harshly, folding my arms over my stomach.       

   "Look, I'm sorry about the way I acted last night. It just took me by surprise. I didn't know how to react about you not telling me sooner-"     

 "Like I tried to tell you last night I was waiting for the right time to tell you. I was didn't want

to lose you." I stated blushing.       

 "You don't have to wait." he replied wrapping his arms around my waist. "Crazy girl, don't you know

that I love you? I wouldn't dream of going nowhere." I rolled my eyes smiling at his corny line. He was quoting one of my favorite songs. And he knew it. I kissed him softly and threw my arms

around his neck. "Night, there's something I have to ask you. I was thinking about it alot while you were sleeping."     

  "What is it, Leonard?" He scooped me up and carried me to my bed. He sat me down on the edge. Then he knelt in front of me.  

  "Night, I've loved you since I laid eyes on you. I can't promise you fancy things. But I can promise to love and cherish you all of my life. I am thrilled that you are carrying my child. Will you do me the tremendous honor of marrying me?" I felt tears stream down my face. A little blame fell on the pregnancy hormones but most of it was because of the proposal.   

 "Yes, I'd be more than happy to become your wife!" I said cheerily. I pulled him by his shirt

to make his lips meet mine. He smiled and slipped a ring on my finger. He kissed down my neck.     

"Careful that's how she got pregnant in the first place." Jim's voice called from the doorway. We both turned to see him with his arms around Dante's waist leaning on the door frame wearing his trademark smirk. I fake glared at him. Bones just told him to get lost. Dante giggled and pulled Jim away. Most likely to his room. I rolled my eyes and Bones climbed onto the bed next to me. I pushed him down to a laying position. I laid next to him and snuggled into his chest happily. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist. He started running a finger up and down my spine. The

last thing I remembered before falling back to sleep was him muttering,

"I love you."

Calling Doctor Love // A "Bones" Leonard McCoy Fan Fic//Where stories live. Discover now