"She told me yesterday that she's not interested on anyone right now" I told as serious as I could when we were walking to our first lesson today with Khalil. "But you also told that she doesn't speak English so how that happened, man. Stop speaking bullshit!" Khalil rolled his eyes for me and I felt how my little plan to get Y/N by my side started break piece by piece

Yeah, I had decided that this morning while I was drinking coffee and eating my breakfast. I had more charm than Khalil so it would be easy to win her if he's only competitor. I had a few secret weapons

"I speak French a bit if you don't remember" I let out which was actually true but I'd ever be able to talk with girl. "Oh c'mon, you can't even introduce yourself in French" he chuckled but it cut in short. "Je m'appelle Justin" I spelled in perfect French and grinned

"That shows nothing. She will be on my arms before you'll ven notice" he growled low. "Well good luck to then getting a connection with her" I acted hurt even inside I'd have wanted laugh to him. His chances against me were trifling but I decided give him one. In the end of the day he was still my best friend

About week later:

"Bonjour, mon frère" Khalil tapped me on my shoulder and grinned. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked and looked his outfit. He looked.. different

He was wearing a tight black jeans, a while shirt and black beret. "You look like a gay, man" I chuckled and pushed his beret off his head. He sighed and grabbed it from the floor and put it back to his head. "It's called fashion" he commented and I bursted in laugh

"What the hell, Khalil?? Oh my lord, stop before I'll die in my laughter, please" I begged but his serious face didn't lose a bit yet. "It's fashion" he repeated and sat on his place finally when our teacher came in the class. "Yeah but why, why you decided to start wear that gay stuff just now? It's embarrassing" I checked his clothes again and almost felt like puking

"Because girls like it, especially one girl" he winked before he turned his gaze on the front where our biology teacher was writing something on the board. And then the pieces inside my head started get in right places. He was trying to be like those boys in France, where Y/N was coming. I had already started hate my best friend a bit. Why he couldn't just give up like he always did?

We left the class together and went get next ones to our lockers. "Do you have history next?" I tried ask as politely as possible even inside me I was nothing but that. He looked me and shook his head and showed his books, French books. My suprised and a bit annoyed face made him smirk. He had gotten what he wanted

"Je.. j'ai pris.. quelques cours de Francais (I have took some French courses)" his accent sucked and I didn't even understood what did he said something about French studying I guess. He was hitting with big bullets against me and I'll lose if I don't start do anything and quick. I had totally lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear when the bell rang

"I should be going, I don't wanna miss that class" he wawed the French book in front of my face. I would have just wanted punch him right in the face on that moment. I don't know why but I still wanted. "Au revoir, pot de colle! (bye, sucker!)" he yelled for me before he disappeared in the class. He was really trying to get that girl to himself but I couldn't let that happen. I have to find some way to impress that girl before Khalil did but how

I made my way to chemitry class. I couldn't concentrate on the topic of our lesson when I was thinking how childish I might look a like in front of everyone while fighting a girl with my best friend. I chuckled to my thoughts and how stupid I felt myself but there was a reason to that stupidness, Y/N

It was a lunch time and I was sitting in the small table alone. Khalil was sitting with his "new friends" and laughing with them. I heard how they talk about their upcoming exam and how they should study together

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