Chapter 3: Seats

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I sat by Carlos in silence for the full period; he and I were both in crappy moods. As the bell rang, I checked my new schedule for my next class. I headed over in the direction of the classroom, but I did not recognize the name of the teacher. Must be some poor new sap.

I saw Vinnie down the hall and walked over to him. He was standing over Rosabella, his girlfriend. I was not a personal fan of Rosabella, but she was a part of the Bianco family. I could hear them arguing from down the hall. The two of them have been on and off for the past few years, currently they were on, but that wasn't going to last for long at the rate the argument was going at.

"Che sia, Vinnie! Non posso più farlo! Mi sono fatto con te" Rosabella shouted, throwing her hands up in the air. Vinnie rolled his eyes and responded with bitter sarcasm.

"Oh, Io sono così sconvolto!" He whined. She narrowed her eyes and muttered under her breath.

"Cazzo." She stormed off. I was standing there, watching them, from about ten feet away with my arms crossed. Vinnie shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut. I stood there for another moment and then walked up to him. My Italian was good enough to know what had just happened. Rosabella had said she couldn't argue anymore with Vinnie and that she was done with him, he responded sarcastically and then she cussed at him before leaving. I felt bad for Rosabella; she wasn't my favorite person in the world, but she was nice enough. Vinnie was a part of Carlos's gang, so I knew him pretty well. I knew him well enough to know that he cheats on Rosabella fairly regularly, but she forgives him every time.

"Stop being a dick." I walked over to him. He looked up at me and narrowed his eyes. The bell sounded to get to class; I was going to be late again. The argument had taken longer than it seemed. I didn't wait for Vinnie's response as I slowly walked to my next class; I didn't give two fucks if I was late.

I opened the door to the class. Most of the seats were full, by the looks of it they were assigned seats. Luckily, two seats were open. One was next to Mel, the other next to Harry. Great, he was in this class. I walked into the class more. In the corner of my eye, I saw Harry glance up and look at me. I couldn't read his expression. A student walked in behind me.

At the teacher's desk sat a relatively young man, maybe thirty, with thick-rimmed glasses but ripped arms. I looked behind me at a small, frail girl who I thought was names Penny or something. I glanced at the board where the teacher's name was written; Mr. Jason.

"Your names?" he asked us. I raised an eyebrow; no one has ever asked me my name before. I was so infamous that it was unnecessary. I didn't answer, so the girl behind me did.

"Pheobe Mellon," she said in a soft voice. Oh, I guess her name wasn't Penny, oh well. He nodded and marked something on a little clipboard.

"You?" Mr. Jason motioned to me, I saw Harry smirk. I looked at him in disbelief; he must be REALLY new if he didn't know who I was.

"Natalia Bianco." I spat. He looked taken aback by my rudeness, but proceeded to mark something on the clipboard.

"Pheobe," he turned to the small thing with a kind voice, "you are sitting here." He motioned to the spot next to Mel. I looked at Pheobe sympathetically; Mel was going to be the worst desk partner ever. I turned back to Mr. Jason waiting for my seat assignment, although it was unnecessary because there was only one seat next. I glanced back at the seat, when I caught Harry's shocked expression. It suddenly hit; I was going to be sitting next to Harry Styles.

Yeah right, over my dead body.

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