She continued to sit there, turning to look out of the window.

"I will say one thing though." I raised an eyebrow waiting for another kick in the stomach. I just had to tell myself not to get angry. I wasn't ready to tell her about these powers, or whatever they were, especially when I didn't understand them myself.

"He looks at you like you are..." She paused as she tried to find the right words, "like you are the most important and most beautiful person alive. He looks at you with complete adoration." She sighed and at first I took it as though she was disgusted or she couldn't understand why. "I'm jealous." She finally said, stopping my anger dead in its tracks.

"Why?" I turned to her in confusion. I was always jealous of my sister; she could have any boy she wanted. Everyone wanted to be her friend.

"You're so happy and have someone who loves you for you." She sighed and turned back to look out of the window. "I've never had that. I wish I could find someone who looked at me like Jacko... I mean Sean, looks at you."

"What are you talking about?" I'd seen the way all the boys looked at her, like they wished she was theirs. "Most lads would give their right arms to be with you."

"It's not the same."

"What about Matt?" I'd seen the way he looked at her and to me it seemed like there was only one person for him.

"Ah, Matt." She grimaced at the mere mention of his name. "I was more of a trophy." She rolled her eyes. "When people were around he was very attentive. Opening doors, arms around me, kissing me, but as soon as we were alone it was like a whole different person. He went quiet, gave me one word answers and the only time he got excited was when the subject was about him." She laughed, but not a full hearty laugh that normally reached her eyes.

She shrugged and stood up. I didn't really know what to say. I'd always seen Kasey-Ray as my happy little sister, who could have anything she wanted.

"You look really happy and I am happy that you are. I am also happy that someone else has seen how beautiful you are, rather than judging you on your birthmark." She smiled as she started towards my bedroom door, leaving me standing there, open-mouthed. "You know I've always wished I was like you."

"Me?" This comment floored me.

"You've always been happy with who you are on the inside." She nodded.

"But you're beautiful and everyone wants to be like you." I scoffed.

"All superficial." She waved as though brushing my comment away. "You know who you can and can't trust." She pointed out. This was true, in a way. I could trust my family, as I'd never gotten close enough to trust anyone else, and I was now slowly trusting Sean, even though most of the time I felt like I kept a ten foot wall up around me.

"What about Claire?" She seemed to have a good friendship with her, even though I didn't like her.

Erin the Fire Goddess: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now