I Like Them Difficult.

Começar do início

I heard Jasper mumble something sweet to himself, but I was so scared of him I just wanted to run away.

That's what my brain told me at least. My heart on the other hand was full of what Jasper's held too. It wanted the opposite of my actions of thrashing and kicking him away. It held major aspects of lust.

I wanted to get out of Jasper's grasp. Run to Blake, and let him protect me with what he had. To let his cold radiating body comfort me, like I can vividly imagine. 

And I think Blake felt that way too from his painful look, but something was holding him back. Like he was scared to do it....

"Let go" I sqeaked, hanging my head low. I cant do it. I cant fight Jasper alone.

"Your such a pretty little fighter. Are you a Tomboy Briella?"

I stayed still, not wanting to see what he would do.

I mean he couldnt do anything drastic considering we were in class, but still.

He shook my violently in his arms when I didnt answer, and I yelped loudly.

"Answer me when I speak to you!" he yelled into my ear. My ears started to ring in a high-pitched tone from all the yelling.

I gulped.

Hesitantly I slowly, yet surely nodded my head. Not like it was an important question to him anyways...

"Good" he paused to lean down into my ear.

My heart pounded with me inside his arms.

Thump Thump

Thump Thump

Thump Thump...


Then he spoke.

"I like them difficult"

Something inside me then snapped, as my brain proccessed his double meaning, and I flipped my shit.

"No!" I shouted, breaking from his loosened grip.

Jasper was too shocked to proccess what happened next. With him trying to grab me back, I quickly dug the heel of my vans down savagely into his crotch, and like a bug, I felt like I squashed him. He pushed me off of him violently, and I landed on the ground with impact.

The killer pain I unexpectedly gave him, sent him screaming in an earsplitting tone, and sent him flying down on the floor where the prick belonged.

Now the class had my attension. Thanks guys. Now where were you when i needed you earlier?

I got up from my fallen position, and moved to where Jasper was crying. Watching him writher in pain gave me pleasure in a weird way. So as a final affect, i coughed up a lougie (mixture of spit and mucus), and spat it on Japser's cheek. Bitch.

He twitched some more, and people crowded around him giving me nastily looks.

One girl even called me a 'bitch'. if only she knew the real story.

Blake then scrambled up in shock, and harshly dragged me out of the classroom, apologising to the teacher as we exited. He didn't even question it.

Once we were out, he had me up against the wall. I groaned in pain.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" he seethed, panic on his face. He acts like I killed someone, and now he has to hid the body!

Anger built up in me.

"ME? I think the real question is what didn't you do" I pushed him off me. "huh?"

I pointed a knowing finger at his chest.

"I didn't see you taking any action in stopping him!"

"Briella, you have to understand... Jasp-"

I didn't let him finish.

"No, I don't care about him! I care about you!"

As quickly as it came, I regretted it immediately.

"Only as a friend of course" I said after it. Smooth ending.

He ran his fingers through his dark black hair, and huffed out a breath.

I crossed my arms, and leaned against the wall for support.

With the awkward silence that came between us, I couldn't take today. I just wanted to go home.

I sighed, knowing he was speachless, and I pushed myself off the wall beggining to walk away. I needed to get out of here.

"Briella, wait!"

I turned around, and saw Blake chasing after me. I stopped and let him catch up.

"What Blake" I asked dryly. I had enough amotional attacks for one day.

"Let me take you home" he told me.

"No Blake, go back to Jasper; your friend"

I said emphasising the last part.

"Hes not my friend" he said defensively.

"Then why the hell do you hang around him?"

He went silent like I hit a sore spot. His face softened, and he clouded his emotions well enough for me not to read.

He grabbed my hand, and pulled me along with him.

"Lets just go"

Xx Blake's Pov xX ( Yay! (; )

If only she knew the truth.

10 Votes please!



Wow Jasper, wow....... so low.

Good chapter?

Of course(;

no, not really. I felt really strong violent passion for Jasper today(;

Speaking of Jasper: a few of you asked if I was making a Team Jasper

The answer is yes.

So..... comment your vote, even though most of you guys hate Jasper right now for forcing himself onto Briella.

But I know some of you are twisted and love stuff like that(;

Team Blake...

Team Basper...


Hoping to update tommorrow lovelies!


Pure {Werewolf VS Vampire}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora