Once again, she caught his eyes. He smirked at her before winking. Adeen quickly turned around.

She didn't like when Fred winked at her.


After a long day of lessons, and dealing with her classmates without her friends, Adeen was ready to throw herself off a cliff. Her energy was completely gone and she didn't even have the stamina to get dinner. Once the last class of her day ended, she went straight to the Hospital Wing.

"Hey, how they feeling?" She asked Marcus as she walled in. The boy shrugged and bit into his chocolate muffin.

"Wendy keeps complaining, Hannah is snoring, and Cedric keeps trying to leave," he muttered. Adeen scoffed. She expected nothing else from her friends.

She poured a glass of water before heading over to Wendy. Adeen handed her friend the cup and sat at the end of her bed.

"You look like shit," she commented but Wendy just scoffed. She groaned loudly and coughed.

"If this is what death feels like, I don't think I'm ready," Wendy muttered. Adeen hummed as she fluffed her best friend's pillow and fixed her blanket.

"Unfortunately for you, my dear sick friend, you don't get to chose when you die," she replied and Wendy scoffed.

"Tell that to my late Aunt Sheila."

The Slytherin turned her back to her friends. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her purple pills again.

She took two before stealing Hannah's water and gulping them down.

"Again, Dee?"

She turned towards Marcus before shrugging.

"I'm fine."

Marcus didn't believe her. But he didn't say anything and turned his attention back to Hannah.

Adeen counted the remainder of her pills. She had about ten left, which she was certain would only last her for two more days. With a soft sigh, she glanced over to Madam Pomfrey on the other side of the room.

The healer had repeated to her again to not take more than three pills a day, but Adeen knew her powers better than anyone else. Three wasn't going to cut it.

She quickly took one more pill before looking at Cedric.

"I think I'm heading back now. You'll be okay without me?" She inquired. The Hufflepuff groaned but nodded.

"Of course."

Adeen nodded before patting her best friend's arm and leaving the hospital wing.

Marcus quickly found his spot next to her and nudged her side.

"Please remember not to take a lot of those things, aye? If you ever need help with your powers, Dee, all you need is ask," Marcus said as they came to a stop. Adeen smiled at him lightly.

"You are an outstanding friend, Marcus. Goodnight."


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