Eleni thought for a moment, and furrowed her brow. "I think. Want me to pull over again so we can check?"


The Jeep parked on the side of the road, partway in the shallow ditch filled with untrimmed grass. Eleni hopped out and went to the back, beginning her search for the compass while Neri looked over the map in greater detail.

It'd be faster to trail the coast, she thought, but it's more heavily populated. There may be more Restless there... She bit her lip. So to stay safe we'd have to go through the States northward, but it'll take a little longer...and gas is in a scarce supply. We definitely won't get there without having to refuel on the way.

"Found it!" Eleni jogged back, adjusting her rifle as she passed the compass to Neri.

Neri nodded her thanks, and steadied the compass, until the needle pointed to her left. "We're headed west right now"--she smoothed out the map for Eleni to see--"so we just have to turn off at the next right to go north."

"Exactly where is Ottawa? Far away or near the border?" she inquired.

"The border," Neri replied, and looked at the map again, her finger showing the way. "It's unsafe near the coast, and there's probably more Restless there too. We'll have to go through the States, but it'll take more time."

Eleni's mouth quirked to the side, and began staring intensely at the map. "Which way is it?"

"Almost straight north," Neri muttered. "We'll have to go through Florida to Georgia, to South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, to New York. Ottawa's just above there."

Eleni nodded. "Okay, sounds good. How long is the trip?"

She paused in thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Maybe twelve hours, give or take."

Eleni walked around to the other side of the vehicle, and jumped in. "Then let's get going as soon as possible!"

Neri packed away the booklet, and began thinking about what Ottawa was like. What's my home like? she thought.

Meanwhile, Eleni's thoughts were differential from the road she should've been paying attention to. I wonder how Mom and Dad are... And Grandma and Grandpa. Are they okay? Or are they...no, they're alive. I can feel it in my gut.

When the Jeep swerved as they took a right, the countryside splayed out in front of them. It wasn't as compressed as the city, and half an hour passed in silence. The tall skyscrapers of Palm Harbour slowly faded as they continued down the highway, having to turn every few minutes to avoid cars that had been abandoned, or were filled with Restless. There were fewer, but there was still enough to be cautious.

With a sigh, Eleni looked at her gas tank. It was only half full. She tapped it with her finger, and frowned. "We should fill up as soon as possible."

Neri agreed. "With what's left, yeah. Actually..."


"Let me drive for a bit. Just to give you a break."

Eleni's brows raised. "Huh? Do you know the way?"

"Just north."

She sighed a second time, and slowed down the vehicle for the umpteenth time that day. Neri hopped out of the leather passenger seat, and walked around to the driver's. She jumped in just as enthusiastically, and Eleni gave her a skeptical look.

"What?" Neri asked when she saw it. "I'm not a bad driver, we're not gonna crash. Just you remember that I've had my license for two more years than you!" She poked Eleni's cheek, and her frown melted.

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