Chapter 3 ~ The Unexpected Visitor

Start from the beginning

"Uhh...Yes Manquer Laurine." I said as I walked down the stairs & meet up with her.

"Now here's the list you'll have to do for today." I looked down at the paper she handed to me.

1.) Clean everyone's room

2.) Mop the main entrance floors

3.) Wax the floors

4.) Dust the furniture's

5.) Pick-up some flowers for the empty vases

6.) Polish the candle holders

7.) Vacuum the carpet

8.) Sweep the stage

9.) Do Julian's Laundry

10.) Do my Laundry

11.) Wash the windows

12.) Light the candles

13.) Do Julian's nails

14.) Make the bed's in everyone's room

Geezz this is a lot! Even for me back at my house, I do a lot of house cleaning, but man...THIS IS TOO MUCH!!! But I have to do this to earn some money & to stay here. "Yes Manquer Laurine."

"Good, now off you go slave...I mean maid." She said with an evil grin forming across her face. I huffed, but got started on the stupid list. Before I could do anything I grabbed my phone, plugged in my headphones, pulled up a song that I liked. "Gorilla" By: Bruno Mars. Then I began doing what the list said.


"DONE!!! I'm finally done." I said collapsing onto the floor. I got up to put away the cleaning supplies when I heard a loud screaming coming from the stage. I ran over there to see a crowd of people surrounding Julian while her mom wrapped her arms around her."What happen?" I said.

"Julian lost her beautiful voice so she can't sing tonight!" Said Manquer Laurine still sobbing.

"Now what are we going to do? We don't have a singer for the solo part!"

"Maddy can sing!" Said Leo. I shook my head at her in disbelief. I do sing really good, but I can't in front of people. I get stage fright. "Manquer Laurine. Maddy can sing for the solo tonight." Said Leo blabbering her mouth away. Oh she's gonna pay for this. Manquer Laurine looks at me then said.

"Very well, but only for tonight! Now get ready Maddy you'll be a soloist for the show." I shook my head really hard, but Caroline, Zoe, Sylvia, Olivia, Augustus, & Leo grabbed my by the arms & dragged me to my room to get ready.


"I told you guys I get stage fright!"

"Oh come one Maddy you'll be fine. Aaalllmmmooosssttt ddoonnee...DONE!♥" Sylivia said after she was done with my make-up & hair. I looked in the the mirror & saw my once dead fish face look transform into a beautiful singer. My hair was curled with diamond flowers pins, heavily spared with hair spray.. Wore a white ball gowned with sparkles & diamond flowers also on it. "I look like a princess." I said to myself.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! You look so beautiful!♥" Augustus said almost about to cry. "Like a bride on her wedding day." Then a few tears came out.

"Yeah this dress looks much better on you then Julian." Zoe said.

"Oh thanks guys. You're the best friends I girl could ever have." I said as we all come into for a hug.

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