And when she awoke again, nothing in her life was ever the same.


"Missy? Dear, can you hear me?"

Adeen scrunched her nose. When her eyes managed to open, a healer stared down at her. The toddler, afraid and confused, began to cry. The inexperienced healer tried to soothe the child but to no avail.

As the child cried, the healer also tried to block her view from the burned down home behind her, where the rest of the Kalama family, unfortunately, didn't make it out alive.

The only survivor was the small 5-year-old, who had been found by Aurors unconscious in the middle of the burnt kitchen, drenched in ashes yet not a single scratch on her. It was clear to some that the child was capable of incredible magic. Others struggled to find sense in her powers. In the end, Adeen was placed in the same classification as a dragon by the Ministry of Magic.

Adeen Kalama was the youngest witch to ever be classified as an XXXXX.


The young Slytherin sat silently at her appointed table. She picked at her plate, moving her unappealing green beans around with a fork. Everyone around her gawked at the stunning, graceful foreigners from Beauxbatons, the wizarding academy in France. As the girl's pranced around making a solid entrance, the boy population of Hogwarts drooled over them. Adeen scoffed at them.

Pathetic, she thought.

Next, the headmaster introduced the son's of Durmstrang Institute, another wizarding school hidden somewhere in the cold regions of Northern Europe. The boys presented a show just like the ladies and once they finished, they took a seat at the Slytherin table, while the Beauxbatons girls joined the Ravenclaw's at theirs.

While everyone else's excitement grew over the arrival of the foreigners, all Adeen could think of was all the essays she would have to write for class. The pain and breakdowns were already clouding her mind.

"Adeen, their faces look like they were carved from the finest marble out there," Wendy Gilmera gushed as she admired the Durmstrang boys. Adeen rolled her eyes as she watched her best friend drool.

"Need a napkin?" Adeen sassed as she handed her friend one. Wendy glared at her before defending herself.

"I drooled only because I have excessive water in my mouth, not because the boys are so pretty," Wendy informed before she rolled up the napkin and threw it at a first year's head.


It was Halloween the next day, and Adeen knew her day was off to a rough start when she woke up with a massive headache. She groaned and clutched her head. The familiar paralyzing pains shot up from her neck to her head. She quickly reached for the small vile filled with little purple pills before eating two.

"Your head hurts again?" Wendy asked from her bed. Adeen nodded.

"I thought you only have to take one."

"It's just precautions measures. I don't want a repeat of what happened," Adeen mumbled as she remembered the last time her unusual powers went out of hand. It had earned her a very rare classification from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. They had Adeen on file and everything. In the Ministry's eyes, she wasn't even considered human.

She figured a shower would do her some good. So before Wendy could question her more, she disappeared into the bathroom.

Once dressed, she went straight for the Great Hall where she could already taste the delicious hot chocolate going down her throat. She hoped food would help ease her headache as well. She sat alone at the table with her mug and a plate of cookies. She nibbled on a chocolate cookie when she heard a gruff voice.

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