Night Prowler

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The wooden shutters of the family church windows crashed about, making plenty of noise as castiel Novak, son of the priest frantically ran around locking them all up. Moon light streamed in the very last window. He reached up to close it; standing on his tip toes. 

Glancing out of the window Castiel see a figure standing in the graveyard surrounding the church. He decides to think nothing if it, closing the window with a bang he sighs, happy that everything was off and closed up apart from the main door. Castiel walks over to one of the rows of benches sitting down at one, he lets his head fall into his hand. Yes another pointless day, being known as the religious freak. Pffffft religious freak my ass. I don't even believe in the goody frickin two shoes up there.

He sighed again; Standing up and grabbing his coat wrapping it around himself tightly.
The only sounds filling the room was his footsteps as the space between him and the door comes to a close. He locks the main door behind him. Turning back to make sure it was securely locked, it wasn't till then he hears angry whispering coming from behind the the building. "Shit" he mutters under his breath not knowing what to do. 

Tip toeing around to the side of the building to see what looked like the Same figure and another persons who'd body was stuck to the building side. This was all a guess as it had just gone 11.06pm and was pitch black outside.
He watched the two figures for a while, trying to come up with a plan but failing miserably. This all took too long as the figure he had early seen stabs the one against the wall, this filling castiel with an adrenaline rush causes him to run towards them both grabbing the knife out of the killers hand and pushing him against the wall like the now dead guy. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Castiel whisper-shouts into the taller mans face. Slamming both of their hands which were gripping the knife into the wall above the other mans head.
Castiel keeps his death glare directed to the man waiting for an answer.
He just laughs in reply. "What does it look like I'm doing? Huh? Castiel Novak!" He laughs again at castiels face. How did he know his name? "How do you know my name?" He demands, attempting to look dominating. The taller figure just laughs "relax kid. I'll tell you mine to make it up to you" he winks "dean Winchester" he states with a big grin on his face.

"Why did you kill that man?" Castiel ignores this dean Winchester last point, getting frustrated at his lack of answers.
Dean rolls his eyes in response. "He was a bastard" he says as if it was nothing. "And he certainly wasnt a man" Dean smirks as he flips his and Castles position, 'you wanna know what I'm thinking kid?" dean asks looking castiel straight in the eyes. 

"What?" castiel spat "Im rather liking how this has worked out, me and the  sexy religious freak, face to face, body on body" dean laughed and castiel could smell the whiskey on deans breath. "I'm not a freak and as if I could ever do something like that with some one like you" castiel goes to punch dean in the stomach but Deans catches castiels fist in his hand; raises it above his head like their earlier position. "Good try sexy boy" dean smirks again before pulling out his flask of whiskey from inside his brown leather jacket, he took a slurp from it before offering it to Castiel. 

 Seconds later Castiel phone begins to ring, 


'"Castiel its your mother, where are you? You need to get home immediately, you have chorus to do and then your father wants you. seriously castiel what would Our father think of this, you'll have to be punished" 

"Yes mother"

Castiel knew what that meant he'd be getting the cain double tonight he sighed mutter to himself "I  don't want to go home.." 

Dean rested his chin on castles shoulder "so don't go home then", castiel looked at dean confused "how long have yo.. Never mind, have you got any whiskey left?" Castiel looked at him hopefully, dean nodded feeling accomplished, he handed castiel the flask watching him down the rest of what was left of the bottle. "whoa there cowboy, sharing would have been caring" dean looked at him wide eyed, "good thing I don't care then" Castiel looked at him sly eyed Dean jokily "I'll let you get away with that cause your cute" dean slurred his word. "Anyway come on then" Castiel looked at dean confused who just rolled his eyes and grabbed castiel hand, Dean led them to his car. "errr where do you think were going? I don't even know you" 

"Im taking you home castiel, so you don't have to go home because I'm a nice person to sexy boys which you will soon discover and my brother Sammy is at home so we will have to be quiet" dean winked. Castiel considered it "well how do I know you're not going to take me to a cabin in the woods and kill me?"  Dean laughed and squeezed castiels hand "well sexy boy, you will know that because you're the one who will be driving, I've drank too much and if you're here to drive then you may as well.. Sexy boy"  Castiel scoffed and considered it again "Fine" 

Castiel got in the drivers seat while dean got in the passenger, he pulled out a bottle of rum from the compartment and started to drink it, he then put in a tape, Led Zeppelin started to play from the speakers, dean turned it up loud. The entire car journey consisted of Dean singing at the top of his voice to Stairway to Heaven and All My Love and shouting out directions as castiel reached the road. They almost crashed at least 6 times. 

Finally they arrived at deans house, dean got out the car with the bottle of rum in hand and opened he door for castiel, as he followed him in, he slapped castiel ass. Castiel jumped up in surprise. "dean" he squealed in a high pitched tone. "you'll have to share a room with me as its only two bedrooms and no one interferes with Sammy" in that particular moment deans face turned completely serious, Castiel nodded almost scared again. He followed dean upstairs to his bedroom. 

Castiel put on the top dean gave him and got into deans bed who had seemed to have sobered up since he got home. Dean got in next to him, "night sexy boy, we can talk about this all tomorrow" dean squeezed castles thigh and giggled before lying on his front, snoring within minutes leaving castiel stunned and confused, he decided to get some rest, after an hour of just laying there he felt deans arm wrap around castiels waist as he spooned him. Castiel soon fell asleep. 

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