Culinaria L'amore Chapter Thirteen

Start from the beginning

Once he left, I turned to Garrett and raised an eyebrow as I stabbed my food with vigour. "What has your pantites in a twist?" I asked, trying to politely swallow without looking like a person that had been starving themself for days. Right now, I felt just that way. Plus, the butter on the seat next to me was starting to make me feel a tad bit uncomfortable

"Oh nothing," Garrett shrugged, "That waiter just looks a bit familiar."

"You too?" I asked surprised. "For some reason, it's as if I've met him before but just don't remember his name."

"That's why you listen when he introduces himself to you. Remember? 'Hi, my name is Harrison and I will be serving you.' Does that ring a bell in any sense?"

I stiffled a giggle as he impersonated Harrison and at the same time, realized that the name Harrison did ring a bell in my head though I still couldn't remember.

"Oh well," I shrugged, "It doesn't matter."

Twenty minutes later, I finally set down my fork annd leaned back in my chair. "That was really nice, Garrett. Thank you for bringing me here."

"Anytime." He replied with a small grin.

As if on cue, Harrison came by, removing our plates and asking, "Anything for dessert?"

Garrett looked at me. "Kirsten? Do you think you can fit some more in?"

"No, I'm good."

"Well I will just ring up your order and will be back shortly."

"So what was the third reason?" I asked, tossing my napkin onto the table.

"Third reason?"

"Yep, you said that you had three reasons why you brought me out tonight. You told me the first two now what's the third?"

"Oh." He looked at me cautiously before muttering, "I'll tell you later."

Raising my eyebrow at his obvious attempt at avoidance, I didn't say anything until Harrison came back with the receipt.

He set down the receipt book infront of Garrett before turning to me and questioning, "Not to be a bother or sound really creepy or anything, but are you by chance Kirsten Bellini?"

I looked up surprised at the waiter. "Um, yes, in fact I am."

"Kirsten? How are you doing?"

Not knowing what to answer, I just muttered, "Great!"

His grin dimmed a little as he seemed to realize that I didn't remember him. "You don't remember me, do you?"

"I'm so so so so sorry, but I don't. You do look familiar I just can't put my finger on it." I muttered apologetically, my face turning red at the embaressment of being caught.

"Harrison Opel. One year older than you. First seed in the boy's tennis season for three consecutive years? Student Council representative while you were vice president?"

I snapped my finger as everything seemed to be put in place. Harrison Opel had been one of those guys whom you couldn't help but like. He had been the perfect student with perfect grades and the perfect girlfriend."Now I remember. You were the one that fell off the ladder during a dance setup whilst trying to hang up a balloon chandelier. Do you still have that scar on your elbow when you landed on a pair of scissors?"

Harrison blushed and scratched the back of his neck. "Actually yeah. It's one of my so called 'battle wounds'. From when I got stabbed in the elbow with a fork by a crazed Spanish matador."

I laughed at his bashfulness, giving him a wide grin. "Well it's great seeing you again Harrison! We have a lot of catching up to do."

"Of course." He muttered cheerfully but then looked confused as he glanced over at Garrett. "Um, wouldn't your boyfriend mind?"

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