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"What are you doing here, Tyler?" I knew he would be pissed at me calling him by his middle name it always annoyed him when I knew him in the past.
"First of all it's-"
"I know your name dumbshit I've always known your name I did that on purpose because I wanted to piss you off as payback for THIS." I mean the fact that me and the gang are now tied up and Tyler... I mean Jacob and about 10 of his friends are surrounding us with demonic smiles plastered on their faces.  "Now answer my question and tell me what you want from us."
"Well, you royal bitchness... shoplifting, breaking and entering and assaulting security gaurds is illegal and that combination can be punishable by death..."
"Then why the hell are you here dumbass last time I checked you're not the police" I spit at him and he slaps my face and flips me off.  I give a crazed smile and some beautifully colorful words slip out of my mouth. "Ah... still as much of an annoying bitch as ever..."
"Mmhmm and yet who dumped who?  Oh yeah I dumped YOU isn't it great and then you figured you could talk shit about me while dating my friend and she wouldn't say shit but she dumped your ass the same week... wow..."
"I said I would get payback for the pain you caused me by making Alyssa break up with me.. and now I finally will, starting with your little friends and ending with you." Jacob pulls out a gun and shoots Daemeon, then Katalina, my two best friends in this entire group who I have known before the world fell apart and I start crying.  How did this happen?

(A/N) Jacob is a real person from my life who I have had parts of  experience described above with.  He did not harm me or my friends but he was a real jerk that I was with for one week and he ignored me for all of it.  I dumped him because of this and when I told him not to hurt my friend he became a monster and called me an annoying depressed bitch. Luckily, when I showed my friend this she was furious and when he made her choose between him and me she chose me.  He got mad and threatened to make my life miserable but I managed to make him get to the point where he started ignoring me again.  We still laugh about it because we are proud of ourselves. So if my writing about him seems a bit malicious, it is because this has actually happened to me.  The only reason he is in this story is because he was in the dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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