Dangan Ronpa: If they escaped: After Life

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We all know what happened in this despair-inducing incident. 15 students locked in a school and forced to brutally murder one another for freedom. But what if everyone had escaped the dreadful nightmare of despair? This is my interpretation on Dangan Ronpa: After Story. (10 years after the world’s most despair-inducing incident)

-14th August 3:30pm. Baseball Field-

Leon was gently kicking the short forest green grass droopily. For Leon, playing baseball was as boring as watching paint dry.  In a flash, he heard the significantly loud “Beep!” of the whistle to signal that the baseball game was about to start. “Baseball is a waste of time. A waste of money, time and effort.” He angrily sighed as he hurriedly dashed towards his position. He notices a beautiful girl in the crowd wearing a white t-shirt. She was continuously waving at Leon with a pleasant smile whilst splendidly cheering “Good luck Leon!” This instantly brought a smile onto Leon’s no longer bored face as he saw the love of his life cheering him on. It was Maizono.

He and Maizono got married 5 years ago. Ever since the despair, he kept in touch with everyone and continues to see them from time to time. Hope’s Peak Academy Promised a good and successful life for whoever graduates and since they all did, they all became very successful; they do not let any of the success get in the way of their friends.

Instantaneously, Leon grinned back and winked at his beloved wife. He looked away due to the ear-splitting sound of the words “Play  Ball!” coming from the metallic speaker.

-14th August 5:40pm. Outside the baseball stadium-

Walking slowly out of the stadium, Leon whispered to himself in a hushed voice “We won by a landslide. I’m pretty damn proud myself” he was interrupted by someone jolting into him, arms wrapped around. “I’m so proud of you!” Maizono pecked him on the cheek as they both gently withdrew from hugging. “Thanks” Leon cheerfully said “Damn, I’m starving. You up for a meal?” Maizono smiled and nodded happily. Leon grabbed Maizono’s hand and they smoothly strolled away into the shining scarlet sunset.

-14th August 6:00pm. The Hanamura Resturant-

Leon and Maizono are sitting down at a fancy table for two with an elegant bouquet of flowers on the table. They’re both eating at the restaurant when a sudden familiar voice appears “Hey! Maizono-san! Kuwata-kun!” It was Naegi. He was on the table opposite them with a girl with long lavender hair, cuddling a baby. As the girl slowly turned her face, Leon recognised the face to belong to Kirigiri’s. Therefore, he smiled and waved to them.

Naegi and Kirigiri had got married 7 years ago; they had a beautiful young girl called Mayoko and she is only 2 years old.  Leon and Maizono kept in touch with them the most since the despair and regular meet up for dinner or a party etc.

Naegi grabbed his and his wifes plates whilst Kirigiri gently carried Tamiko over to a nearby table for 6. They loudly called over Leon and Maizono to come and join them. And so, in no rush, they picked up their plates and strolled over to the table where Kirigiri and Naegi were sitting.

“Hey man, I ain’t seen you in weeks. What’s up?” Leon curiously asked. “Oh you know, been busy with Mayoko and that kind of thing. How about you?” Naegi questioned. In full detail, Leon described the boringness of all the baseball games he’s been playing. Leon and Naegi are having a great time discussing life, whilst Maizono and Kirigiri are having a nice chat as well. “How’s your pop star career going?” Kirigiri asked. Maizono cheerfully smiled and responded with a joyful face “It’s amazing! The band’s new album comes out next week! How about your detective career?” Kirigiri responded happily “It’s going very well. We haven’t lost a case since…then.

They’re all chatting and having a great time and then they say their goodbyes.

-August 14th 8:30pm. Leon & Maizono’s house.-

Leon and Maizono are cuddling up on the sofa watching their recorded wedding on TV, Maizono is unconrtolably laughing at the fact that Ishimaru is still wearing his school uniform. “Best day of my life” Leon pleasantly expressed whilst grinning. Maizono smiled back at Leon, and slowly their faces got closer and they kissed. “I love you, Leon.” “I Love you, too.”

-August 14th 10:00pm. Leon & Maizono’s bedroom-

They’re both lying in bed, facing each other. “Thanks for the meal” Maizono gratefully mentioned. “Ha-ha, don’t mention it.” Struggling, Maizono tried to keep her eyes open, eventually she couldn’t prevent it any longer and fell into a deep sleep. Leon thought to himself “She’s so cute when she sleeps” he smiled. “Goodnight” he quietly whispered.Soon enough, he fell asleep as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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