My secret

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Authors POV
"Tsuna wake up its already morning you're gonna be late to school " a brunette woman said

"Five more minutes mom " Tsuna mumbled " If you don't wake up now Hibari will bite you to death you don't want that to happen do you " Nana suddenly said

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mom why didn't you told me and where the he k is Reborn ?!!!! Tsuna suddenly said and jump of his bed and straight to the bathroom (and of course bringing his uniform )
" I tried to wake you ten times already and for you're second question Reborn left last night he said that he have a mission to do " Nana explained to tsuna

"Eh he left I didn't know that " Tsuna said while coming down stairs "I'm going now mom " Tsuna bid goodbye to his mother "wait your bento " Nana remind Tsuna while handling him a bento wrapped in orange cloth "oh right thanks mom " Tsuna said as he ran out to his house to meet up with Hayato and Takeshi

"Good moring jyuudaime / Tsuna " Hayato and Takeshi greeted at the same time "good morning gokudera-kun , Yamamoto-kun , let's hurry to school before hibari- San bite us to death " Tsuna said and the two nodded before running to there school the Namimori highschool school (yep they are now in there first year highschool )

When the trio arrived at Namimori highschool they saw the the blood thirsty skylark waiting for someone he can bite to death

After they pass the furios skylark they all went to there classroom and everything went all same every other day .

Tsuna got home and greeted his mother and he just go to his room and without even listening to his mother . when he got to his room hi just slumped his body to his bed because he isn't felling good .

Dinner came and Tsuna didn't came down from his room .

"Tsu-kun dinner is ready come down now " Nana called his son but didn't get any response .

"Is Dame-tsuna gonna come down here mama or not because if he's not coming lambo-sama will eat his food gyahahah " lambo stayed while eating his food " no lambo don't eat tsuna-nii food it's bad " fuuta scolded lambo "OK but if he's not gonna eat I will eat he's food " lambo said

" I will go and check on him " Nana said and started to climbed up stairs and stop in front of her sons room and knock " Tsu-kun are you in there " Nana asked as she slowly opened his room only to find his son lying in his bed sleeping ( he already change his clothes before he had fallen asleep )

"Tsu-kun wake up its already dinner " all Nana get as a reply was a groan " Tsuna are you having your period " all she get as a reply was a nod . (for those people who know already what's a period I know you already have guest what's tsunas secrest already because it's easy to guess )

"I'll go now and I'll bring you a pill and you're food OK " Nana said and walked out to get tsuna's food and pill

After a few minutes

" Here's your pill " Nana said and hand Tsuna a pill and he quickly drink eat .

" Tsuna " Nana suddenly said , Tsuna opened his eyes and sit down on his his bed stare at his mother and asked " what is it mom "

" When will you tell them that you are a girl " Nana asked to Tsuna ( yep you guessed it right tsuna's a girl in this fanfiction )

"Maybe someday were I'm already ready " tsuna said as she lower her head and continue to speak " what if they will not accept me again because of what I did to them " she said "*sigh* OK I'll go now eat your dinner OK " nana said as she start to close the door but stop mid way and poke her to the door and said " oh and also tsu-chan your dad will be home tomorrow with your granpa and Reborn " Nana said and completely close the door "WHAT!!!!!!" Tsuna yelled as she quickly stand up from her bed and lay back again and mumble " what a day "

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