Chapter 3

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                Festive chattering and the noises of a bustling city drift through the night air and to my ears. By the time we arrive at Algulz, the sun had sunk far below the horizon, leaving bright stars and the moon to light the land. When night had first fallen, my breath had been taken away. Never before had I seen such a bright night sky. Living near farmland, I always thought the sky couldn't get any brighter. There aren't many places left where other sources of light aren't interfering with the night. But here, in Algulz -- the dunes and hills of the desert are bathed in a luminescent blue glow. The city radiates warmth and light through lamps and fires; oddly, I can't make out any sources of electronic light.

                Desmond pauses several yards away from the tall gates that stand at the entrance of the city, his face in its typical look of disapproval. "Has nothing I said sunk in?" I stare at him, eyebrows knitted closely together. He sighs, pulling his hood tighter around his face and his cloak closer around his body. In the dim light, all I can make out is the piercing gaze of two purple eyes. "When the authorities find you, don't say I never tried to help you."

                As he begins to walk away from me and into the city, a momentary jolt of panic flares inside of me. "W-Wait!" I hurry over to where he stops. "I thought you wanted some sort of payment? Why are you just letting me walk free?"

                Desmond actually laughs. "Other than your strange blood soaked clothes, what can you offer me? Whatever spell you attempted to use obviously backfired. You seem to be miles away from home. You can't even defend yourself on your own. You're nothing." I lower my gaze from his, slightly taken aback by his words. What he says is true, but I don't want to lose the only person willing to help me. He laughs again, saying, "Good luck in your travels. I doubt you'll last much longer than a week."

                As he enters the city, I remain behind, staring down at my own two feet. Once again, the thoughts of a warm bed drift into my mind.

                Taking a deep breath, I raise my head and stare towards the path that Desmond had disappeared down. I can make out a couple bored-looking guards standing at the entrance gates, and there are other figures of people walking around within the walls of the city. The night is still young; people still haven't yet retired to their houses. Smells of grass and the sea fill my nose as I walk forward. Being on the outskirts of the desert, the city is a mix of sand, grass, and dirt. Green foliage springs up amongst the hardened grit of streets and alleyways, allowing life to find its way in the harsh terrain. Earlier I had even noticed wild flowers and bushes dotting the sandy soil.

                I run a hand through my hair, forcing my bangs from my eyes. A sudden realization dawns upon me: people here are wary of blondes. I decide to readjust the cowl that Desmond had given to me. Before putting it back on, I kneel to the ground, untying one of my shoes. Grime covers the shoe string -- evidence of years of working in a bakery filled with crumbs, icing, and a multitude of other sugary goodness. Crinkling my nose, I use the string as a bow for my hair, gathering the long strands into a pony tail. I tie it tightly, pulling the hair only halfway through the loop. The result is a messy bun than remains above my shoulders. Next, the cowl is shaken, sending sand flying from the fabric. Over my head goes the scarf, once again covering my head. This time, my hair is completely covered, hidden beneath the fabric. Both ends of the scarf are tossed around my shoulders, loosely wrapping around them in the fashion of a shawl. Lastly, I tuck my bangs towards the side of my face, hiding them away in the fabric.

               Feeling slightly more confident now that my supposed unusual blonde hair is hidden, I resume my walk into the city. Despite my attempts at remaining inconspicuous, my clothing (and the blood, sweat, and green gook) draw wary eyes. I try to ignore them, keeping my attention focused on the buildings that surround me.

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