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( This Will Be Matt's Font  Slanted + line)(And ... beffore and after a sentence will mean thought )

~Your POV~

He always was a bit ( alot ) overprotective but it wasn't bad i guess . I put my headphones back on " Sorry Matt i fell out of my chair " " Hah lel anyways what were we doing?" " uhhh i think we were- OH CRAP IM DIEING!!" " OH YEAH" " noooooo ;-; i lost" " i know" "wait what , how? are you magic and not telling me?" " i was on your team idiot" " O .-. " i heard a phone ring from the other side of the call " Oh wait gimme a sec i gotta answer that" " mk " Matt was a somewhat nice guy at the least you could say ( but in kays opinion..... lel ) my stomach started to growl " crap " i typed that i was gonna get some food in skype chat incase he got back beffore me and i went downstairs to get something to eat.

I ran down the stairs allmost falling and i saw Google making something to eat...Huh dinner allredy... i thought  i looked at the clock 5:46 ...oh thats why... but there was someone sitting on the couch that i didn't notice.....................



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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