The Seven Deadly Sins

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Parker, you get in, you get out. Nothing to it.

I glance up at the school, it's tall, two stories, a maximum of fifty classrooms, maybe four washrooms on either floor.

I'd get my info, and get the hell out.

School on my home planet was never this busy, but these Aliens were all very different.
Humans. Ew.

"Hey are you new?"
Hell yes, "no."
I didn't spare a glance in the speakers direction, just turned and started into the building.

I walk to the first unlocked locker I see, taking a guess I open it up, reaching for what I hope is a cellphone from a jacket pocket.

I opened my mouth and using my right hand I quickly locked my thumb and knuckle under my tongue, pulling out the microchip.
The familiar tingle fills my mouth but other than that, it's your normal Tuesday afternoon.

They do call it Tuesday here right?

Not thinking much of it, I plug the chip into the phone and watch as the password is disabled and it pulls up a to a new screen, brings me to a phone number.

I sigh, pressing the call button and raising it to my ear, "let's get this over with."

There's a long crackle, and I smirk. They knew exactly who was calling, they we're hoping I had taken a longer nap so this day could be pushed back a few years.


I don't answer and the voice chuckles.

"If it isn't the infamous Alien Hunter. Back from Hell so soon?"

"Can't say I missed you're ugly ass," I reply, "how does it feel to be the Intergalactic Secretary?"

"Whatever Alien."

I chuckle, knowing I've hit a nerve.
"Devil said he needed a favour. And as much as I love our little chats, eternal non-BS sounds great."

"You and I both. Except the BS you find so horrid, is called helping this planet."

I look around disgusted, watching the females push their shirts down to show off their junk and the males whistle and stare. A group of males who could be compared to Meteorites in size -and ego- give me a hard glance.

"Nice English, Freak," one of them quips, overhearing me talk on the phone and I glare hotly. Trying not to blow up that stupid maroon coloured ball he carried under his arm.

"You try learning eighty-two different languages with a stick up the ass Boss and we'll see how you fair," I spit back.

Whirling back around to the locker I roll my jaw annoyed. "And what a blessed planet it is," I hiss into the phone dryly, "my assignments." I come close to begging, "please."

"You're first of several is a boy who goes to school here. You've been briefed already yes?"

I nod, "yes, on the way. Is that all?"

The line goes dead, and it answers my question.
I take out the microchip and drop it on the floor, crushing it with my boot.
The group of males have stopped to stare and mock, I nearly groan in irritation.

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