Revelation (A Supernatural Fanfic)(Destiel and Mooseley)

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Prologue: Lost and Found

*Dean Winchester*

“Have you seen my brother?” That was the question I asked about every goddamn person on this planet. Since then I have still haven’t received a yes to that question.

Let me give you the rundown: My name’s Dean Winchester, and my little brother, his name is Sam. Sam and I make one hell of a team; he’s got the brains and I’ve got the muscle. His brain usually makes up for all that I lack in the intelligence department, which isn’t much. Because we’re such a great team I decided we should do something together: like police work. But Sam, Sam didn’t like that idea. He ran off to college, away from the brother who pretty much raised him.

When we were young our mom died in a house fire, just a normal and simple fire. Sam couldn’t stand living next to us after that day. We didn’t blame him, but he had a guilty conscious because he was the one who knocked the lamp over. He hated himself, even though Dad and I never blamed him one bit.

My dad, god rest his soul, was our mentor after that. He taught us how to be men, but he was always away on trips with his buddies: leaving the raising of Sam to me. Sam wouldn’t talk about mom, and tried to avoid any conversation at all. He was a silent little know-it-all, but I loved him anyway. He was my flesh and blood. Sam wanted little more than to get away from family. The day he turned 18, he ran off to college. He wanted to ride solo, and I had no choice but to let him.

Dad kept his distance, and died of a heart attack a little over a year ago. That’s the reason I came all the way to Stanford College, just to find my only brother missing. I got here about a month ago, and everyone else says they don’t know what happened to him. It’s like he just disappeared altogether.

“Damnit, Sam. Where the hell are you?” I muttered under my breath.

Should I just leave? No. I couldn’t even dream of leaving my little brother behind. He was all I had left in the world, my only relative. I couldn’t just run away when he could need me out here to find him. I wasn’t going to run away from him, even though he ran away from me.

After a month of searching, it seemed like he was either dead, captured, or just didn’t want to be found. I was hoping that his situation resembled the last scenario. I didn’t want him captured and I sure as hell wouldn’t let him die.

I walked back to the impala. Surely I could find some sort of hint from searching around this town.

Before I took my first step inside, something in the sky caught my attention. There was a white dot, falling from the sky. I looked closely, eyes squinted. There was no way it was snow, it wasn’t cold enough. It seemed to be dropping at a fast rate, right towards me.

I tried to jump out of the way, though I only moved an inch before I was stuck between the object and the ground.

“What the hell?" I yelled in my anger.

I could feel a sharp pain in my back, and I grunted a little at the sudden neck pain I felt. It took my eyes a few moments to regain their functioning before I realized I was staring at a man on top of me. First of all, that was a wrong picture in and of itself. Second of all, it hurt like hell.

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