Trouble at the Workplace

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"Sag have you been here all morning,"Cap asked a purple haired purple eyed boy

"Why the hell do you want to know,"Sag said flipping Capricorn off

"That's it,"Capricorn said

She tackled Sag to the ground and pulled out a large combat knife.

"How'd she get that pst the metal detectors?"Leo said

"Who cares she's trying to kill somebody for the fifth time this week,"Scorpio a Black haired blue eyed girl said

"She killed my octopus I was going to eat,"Leo said sulking.

"You were going to eat it anyway,"Scorpio said trying to wrestle the knife out of Cap's hand

"He's dead, he's so fucking dead,"Capricorn was screaming as Scorpio had here against a wall

"Leo, how is she so strong she sit's inside and watches anime all day?"Scorpio asked

"She stabs things...a lot it's a good full body workout apparently,"Leo said picking up Capricorns knife 

"Take her,"Scorpio said to Leo

Leo took a hold of capricorn and continued pushing her against a wall barely.

Scorpio got gasoline out of the special effects room along with matches she pours the gasoline  the knife and set it on fire destroying the knife.(I know that's not how metal and fire works)

"You can let her go but check her for more weapons first,"Scorpio said to Leo

"There is obviously no weapons in her pockets so I'm not comfortable doing that, to Capricorn,"Leo said 

"Fuck you guys,"Capricorn screamed kicking Leo

"Owww that hurt,"Leo whined 

"At Least she didn't hit your face I have to stare at that"Scorpio remarked

"Sag coffee,"capricorn demanded from her assistant

"Fuck off,"Sag said

Capricorn pulled out a baton

"Where is she getting these things?"Leo asked

"What did you just say to me?"Capricorn asked Sag

"Leo your next if you don't help me,"Capricorn said as her pink hair somehow flew around in the air

Leo grabbed Sagittarius by his arms  turned him to face Cap and ducked

"Thank you Leo,"Capricorn said then she pulled out a tiny package "Happy birthday Sag,"

"It's not my birthday,"Sag said as a smile grew on Capricorn's face

"Boom,Boom,"Capricorn said

Capricorn pushed Leo he flew backwards as she ran away and a greenish gas cloud erupted from Sag's position.

"Damn you Caprico.."sag said

"Who pays the bills, Sagittarius,"Capricorn said


"Who put you on their payroll for no good reason,"


"And who is getting me a coffee in the next five seconds so we can make some money,"

"Yo,uhhh I mean me,"Sag said as he raced off to get Cap the best coffee in town.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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