Docter jokes

42 3 18

Cowboy: Docter, ever since I've been riding in the rodeo, I haven't been feeling well do you know what it is?
Docter: Bronc itis

Kangaroo: Docter, I have a terrible problem.
Docter: What seems to be the problem?
Kangaroo: oh, I don't know. I just haven't been feeling that jumpy lately!

Why did the Teacher bring his eye chart to school?
He wanted to check the pupils!

Mother: Docter, my baby just swallowed a pen!
Docter: I will come right over!
Mother: well what should I do until you get here?
Docter: Use a pencil!

Patient: My little boy just swallowed a pen!
Nurse: Hmmmmmm. Let's hope nothing developed!

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