Jillian's eyes widened. " What kind of question is that," Jillian shouted at the doctor," Kind of rough to start off with. " 

Dr. Frakenfurt stared at Jillian. " You see, your response to this question will dictate how the next couple of questions play out, so Jillian, has anybody in your family have a history of depression?" 

Jillian, realizing she would have to answer this question no matter what, pondered. She thought back to her father. Nope, he was fine. Jillian's mother? Fine also. Sister? Nope. Aunts, uncles, or grandparents? Not that she knew of. " Not that I'm aware of." Jillian said in response to the question. 

" Excellent. Okay, question two. Have you ever been put on any form of medication to help with anxiety or depression?" 

" Only anxiety, but that was when I was 12 and 15. " Jillian fibbed a little here. She was technically supposed to be taking the anxiety medicine from ages 12-15 , but she also took some when she 19, but that reason as to why would never be uttered aloud. 

" Okay. Have you ever self medicated, you know, with non-prescribed medication?" 

" Never." Again more lies coming from Holtzmann's mouth. 

" So, have you ever been an abusive family or relationship where you were the victim?"

This question here was one Jillian was hoping would never be brought up. This one really played with her life as a teen. " Um, yes." Jillian only gave a vague yes in response. 

" So, can you please describe what happened. Just a reminder that this is only for medical information. No charges or anything will happen against the instigator. " Explained the doctor. 

" Uh, well, when I was 18 I, uh, came out, you know, to my parents, and my father did not handle it in the best ways. Nor did my mother. My mother verbally abused me. She called me harsh slurs and said she wished I wasn't her daughter. My father, on the other hand, punched and kicked me. He would sometimes not let me eat a meal. He would shout many words that made me feel as if I was doing something wrong with my life. " Jillian chocked back tears. She never told anybody about her past expect to Abby. 

" Okay. Now Jillian, have you ever self inflicted yourself?" 

Jillian's mind went blank for a second. She looked down at her hands. She intertwined her fingers. This was in an effort to hide the marks on the inner side of her forearms. She stared down at her pale-red skin. " Yes, I have." Jillian's cheeks turned a dark red. She was embarrassed. 

" When you say 'yes', was it just a one time thing, or has it been going on for many years now?" 

" Well, I did get caught up in self harm actions when I was 19 and 20, then stopped, until last night. " 

" I see. Now, these marks, from last night, I need to see them. For examination. " The doctor said this with hostility in his voice. 

Jillian looked in Dr. Frakenfurt's eyes. Her eyes were filling with tears. She could not believe that a man she had never met before 15 minutes ago was asking to look at her wounds. She brought her arms closer to herself and shook her head "no". She was not letting this dude see her marks. 

Dr. Frakenfurt obviously got the message from Jillian's head shake. " Jillian,  I know this is a very difficult thing, but trust me, nothing is said to anybody outside of this hospital room. I need to look at them. " 

Jillian was hesitant at first, but she eventually budged and extended out her arms. Many scratch marks were on her forearms, along with bruises. The doctor looked and examined the marks. He wrote down notes on the visuals before him. 

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