It had been years she didn't see Suho smile.In that way.Full of SINCERITY

She stays for a while at the door frame.Without realizing,a small smile forms on her red lips.Thank God,both of her beloved kids find their happiness again

As a mother,everytime she sees her kids smile,it means she is smiling hundreds time bigger

The tears that fill her eyes are wiped away.She goes to the hangline and takes two towel.After that she arranges her steps toward the two

"Aigoo,you spend your holiday wisely kids". She says more to teasing.Both Suho and Chorong stops chasing each other.Chorong scratches her forehead

'Did auntie see us just now?'

"Enough.You'll get sick if you keep playing outside". "It's fun omma". Suho grabs his towel from Mrs.Gayoon and wipes his wet body

"You go and change.I have something to talk to Chorong"

Mrs.Gayoon words make Suho and Chorong changes gazes.Just then,Suho obeys and goes into the house

"Why auntie?" Chorong shots a question as Suho's figure diappears. "Nothing so important.Just want to inform you,your parent is coming here"

Chorong's eyes open wider. "Really?" She looks excited. "Your mom just call me.But your dad is not coming.He is outstation.Just your mom and Jimin will be coming"

Chorong nods.She knows the busyness facing by her dad.He was like that since she was small.That is nothing for Chorong.At least she still has a mom and understanding brother

Understanding?So much!

"I miss them a lot!When will they be here?" "Perhaps in evening.So I think I want to prepare for something special". Chorong just nods

"Would you love to help me?" Chorong startles. "Ne?!"

For God's sake,in entire life she had never been at kitchen to use the stove and everything besides fridge to catch some drink.This is so crazy


"The first crazy thing is,auntie asked me to help her cooking for my mom and brother.And second,she told me to go out with to to buy groceries?!"

Chorong nags like a grandma

"Ekhh!Since when your mouth lose its zip?So noisy". Suho scoffs before continues focusing on the road

"But I don't know how to cook!I have never touched the stove,and whatever we use to fry,grill and boil.Oh Gosh!" Suho giggles. "That's your problem by the way.Not me". "Aigoo look who said he is my bestfriend yesterday?"

"Lala lala.Who said that?I forgot.Because last time that person refused to be friend with me". Chorong bites her own lip. "Okay fine.Can we start again?" "Too late!My offer just open for yesterday"

Chorong sulks.She turns away and look out of the window while putting her arms cross her chest.Suho glances at Chorong beside him. "Sulking?" No answer from her. "It's okay.I'll make a discount next time.Then we will be friend.So now can you stop sulking?!"


Chorong reads the list one by one. "Where is creamcheese?" "Let me see what to buy". Chorong hides the paper behind her. "This is girls stuff.You,just push that trolley"

Chorong walks leaving Suho frustrated. "She really has no trust in me". Suho pushes the trolley while nagging

"Okay I don't know how to find the ingredients". Chorong turns back and pouts at Suho. "Nah!It would be easier if you ask my help"

Suho takes the list from Chorong with a glare. "Push the trolley". Suho walks forward leaving Chorong at the back. "Suho wait!" She rushes to get the trolley and runs after Suho


Chorong feels amazed to see Suho's 'talent' in food. "Are you a chef?" Suho turns to look at Chorong.With her puppy eyes,claims for answer

"Tch!It's a funny job I ever heard". Chorong raised a brow. "But you are good at this stuff". Suho rolls his eyesball to the back. "I have lived in this area for eleventh years.And this supermarket is like my third house.Hmm no!Fourth"

He shows Chorong four fingers.She nods her head. "I see.You are so rich.I wonder about your occupation" She just knows that auntie Gayoon's son is this rich. "I'm just a driver.Everythings I have belong to omma.Not me". Suho smiles angelicly

Driver? "So,where is your second and third house?" "Second house is my workplace.And my third house is the house I stay in Seoul". Chorong is amazed again

"Ouch!" Chorong yells a little when her nose is pinched by Suho. "What are you thinking about?". Chorong denies. "Nothing". "Okay.Done for the ingredients!Let's pay for them and..."

"Let's go straight home". Chorong cuts and pulls the trolley. "Seriously?I just planned to bring you somewhere". Says Suho. "Next time my lovely cousin.My mom and brother is almost here"

She refuses.Suho shrugs and just follows Chorong to the counter

Without they realize,someone is watching them from the food shelves


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