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For reals this time.

You have a few subscribers to your channel- about four thousand. You sigh and log into AJ. It's boring on here when you're famous. Everyone crowds and you feel as though you are suffocating. You spin the daily spin half-heartedly, then almost leap in the air as you notice you got the three times gifts. You open the first- a long black rare spike. Like you don't have enough of those. The second is a beta hood- now you have three. You open the last one, not really caring what it is. You glance out the window just as you click it, and when you look back you almost faint in excitement. "A RARE PURPLE HEADDRESS!!!" you shout. "OMG THIS IS MY FIRST HEADDRESS I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE ONE NOW!!!!" Suddenly, you are crowded by fans.
"Y/U! Y/U!" they scream. You sigh.
"Guys, stop crowding me, I just won a rare headdress," you type. They fangirl even more at this.
"Stop crowding me and I might do a giveaway with my first headdress," you type, then slap yourself. Why did you say that? Suddenly a buddy request popped up your screen. You were about to dismiss and then noticed the username: Julian2. You quickly slide your mouse across and press yes.  A jam a gram flitters onto your screen, and you pull out your iPad for the video. "Hey guys, Y/T here, back with another video! So today, I got another black long, a beta hood and my first ever headdress! Julian2 buddied me and now we're going to do a mailtime." You open your jam a grams one by one, thanking each person for each gift. Finally, you reach the new jam a gram at the top. You press on it and the sender is Julian2. The writing says, "Close your eyes and make sure you're filming." You slide the mouse over the gift and close your eyes. You click the gift as quickly as you can. "I'm scared to open my eyes," you say to your fans. You open your eyes and gasp. "A PINK RARE HEADDRESS!!! Thank you so much Julian!" You wrap up the video and are about to turn off your computer when an email comes through.
You are invited to Vidcon!
Other guests include: Aparri, Bepper, Wisteriamoon, Gellyjones and Julian2!

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