Chapter 1- Dungenos and Dragons

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Third person P

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Third person P.O.V

Every Sunday Grace, Violet, Henry, and Katie go to Grace and Katie's house to play games eat pizza and just be kids before the start of a long and dreadful school week.

"It's the final obstacle" Katie narrators as they play one of their favorite games Dungeons and Dragons. "She's gonna call the demogorgon on us" Grace complains "no she's not" Violet mocked "guys if you wanna take the dice go ahead" Katie's argues back. "I can't cause you decide to go and call the arrows on us causing me and Vi to become human on a stick" Grace snaps back "could you guys stop arguing so I can hear what Katie has to say" Henry finally snapped wanting to continue before they have to go home.

"Thank you Henry, now where was I" Katie pretended to think about it "oh yeah. It's the final monster behold..." "it's gonna be the Demogorgon" Gracie interrupted "could you shut up and let Henry win for us please" Violet snapped. "Thanks Vi, now behold the Demogorgon" Katie shouted as she places the demogorgon on the game bored, "that's it game over Henry is done for, join the loser club" Gracie complained "Grace quit complaining. Henry you have two options either fire ball or use the shield till he's weaken"

"Henry use the fireball" Violet said in a persuading tone, "Henry don't fireball shield unless you wanna be a snack" Gracie said trying to also persuade him
"Alright enough, I cast fire ball" Henry said "you idiot you do know you have to get a 13 or higher to win" Gracie conclude "we are so screwed". As Henry rolled the dice they fell off the table and landed some where on the floor. "Katie, Gracie could you please come up here" Gracie and Katie's father, Jefferson, stated "coming" the girls said together as they walked up the stairs while Henry and Violet try to find the missing dice"

"Time to take Violet and Henry home it's a school night" Jefferson stated "we're sorry dad we didn't know it was gonna take 9 hours to play" Gracie apologies " you mean to tell I me you guys have been playing that for 9 hours straight" Jefferson stated with a bit of anger in his tone. "Okay well tell them to leave but could Violet spend the night I don't think her parents are home and her house is really far away, you know for safety reasons" Katie said because Henry lives only 5 minutes away as for Violet she lives 20 minutes away. "Okay but as long as you guys don't stay up late"

"Thank you father and trust me we won't make a sound" Gracie said as her and Katie stated walking down the stairs "great news Violet can spend the night sorry Hen but you gotta leave but I can walk with you to the end of my drive way" Katie said in a rude tone but then again in a nice way. "It's okay I understand also the roll was an 14 so I guess the heroes won this round" Henry said as he started waking up the stairs.

"Well Hen I guess this is goodbye for now see you at school tomorrow" Katie said as Henry stated to get on his bike. "Yeah I guess I'll see you tomorrow, also the roll was actually an 10 Violet wanted to see me win for once so she came up with the idea but don't tell her I said that the demogorgon got me okay" Henry said as he started to bike away to his house.

Little did they know that's the last time they will see their friend for a while.

Edited 10/17
(Just minor changes)
Hey guys
So this is the first chapter of Save Henry hope you guys enjoy
Tell me everything you like and dislike about this book so far and I guess I'll see you later!

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