Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 18)

Start from the beginning

"So... You think Bray is going to take a step back?"

"It's possible. He knows I care for you, and he said whether it's as friends or something more, he trusts me with you."

Luke was quite for a moment as he looked at the ground.

"What exactly are we Abigail? We've always been friends, but we know our feelings. Do we just go on as friends and ignore our feelings?"

This is one thing Abigail had been wondering herself, she had kissed him once before, but the second time Luke stopped her because he thought she only felt sorry for him. All of the times it had happened, she had been the one that kissed him. Maybe he should be the one to make a move.

"I think... We have always been friends because you never gave me any signs or made a move to suggest that you wanted to be something more. I always wondered if you would ever make a move. Now is your chance... Will you kiss me?"

This was all Luke needed to hear. He smiled and turned towards her, he gently put his hand on the side of her cheek, leaned into her and captured her lips in a slow, sweet kiss. Abigail returned the kiss once his lips met hers, soon the kiss turned passionate and they finally broke apart. Abigail blushed and even laughed a bit as she looked at him.

"So... I guess this means we're more than friends now?"


Abigail smiled and held his hand for a moment.


They looked towards the door as there was a knock before it opened with Bray on the outside. He saw that they were both holding hands and seemed very happy in each other's company.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I was hoping maybe I could get a minute with Abigail."

Luke smiled at Abigail before nodding, he would have more time with Abigail now. He stood up and left the room with a different attitude and a burden lifted off his shoulders. It seemed like he had finally started to forgive himself, and thanks to Abigail he has started to experience joy and happiness again and the feeling of love. Now Bray and Abigail were left alone. Bray was the first one to speak.

"So... You and Luke seem happy."

This was the first time Abigail has spoken to Bray since he sent Luke away.

"Yeah... He's a great guy."

"I do wonder though, the two of you have always been friends, but now you seem to have this sudden attachment to him."

"I think I always have, just now with maturity I finally realize it. He never made a move in my past life and I thought his childhood crush was something that was only temporary and it turns out that his feelings for me only got stronger as he got older. I guess it makes sense now why it bothered him so bad when he found out I was with someone else. Of course I never meant to hurt him, he just never gave me any signs that he wanted to be anything other than friends. Luke... He's been there for me a lot since I returned."

"I took things a little too far when Luke came to me about your death. You were right of course, your death was not his fault. I just want to protect you.. You're the only real family I have left.

"Then you and Luke have the same goal."

"I wanted to set things right between us Abigail, I don't want us to drift apart. The first time was fifteen years separated by death, but this was my own doing. I apologized."

"That's weird... That was something you would never do as a kid."

"Things change Abigail, everyone grows in maturity, but one of the hardest things for anyone to do is admit when they're wrong. I have grown in maturity and wisdom and better understand my mistakes. Luke is welcome back home if that is what he wants. Whether the two of you are friends or something more, I trust him... He is my brother, maybe not by blood, but the bond is still there. I trust him to protect you just as I would trust Erick or Braun. Are we ok? I hope that you are not still upset with me."

"No... Everything is fine now."

"I guess when I was growing up, you would always take care of me, now that things are different, I just wanted to watch out for you."

"I know that, just understand that Luke and I have feelings for each other now and things will be different from now on."

"So how are you feeling... Physically?"

"Well... I already know my knee is broken so that's hurting a lot, but other than that I'm ok. The doctor had me put ice on it for now to get the swelling to go down."

"I guess the next order of business is to try to figure out what to do for you while your knee heals, it's probably best that you go home and rest until it heals. I'm not going to ask you to try to keep up with us knowing that your knee is broken. I'm required to go everywhere..."

Bray then got an idea and opened the door, Luke was on the outside.

"Luke... I know you would probably rather be here to wrestle, but I'm required to be here. I think it would be best to send her home to heal, but I don't like the idea of her being alone back at home so I was wondering if maybe you would stay with her as she heals. To watch over her and protect her,"

"Of course."

The doctor came back and told them what they already knew. Abigail's knee was broken, she would have to go to the hospital to get a cast and then be sent home. It was a long process, but Luke waited with Abigail as they got her cast put on. The doctors there were going to give her crutches, but Luke told them that they wouldn't need crutches. Abigail smiled as Luke picked her up in his arms and carried her out of the building and to the parking lot like it was nothing. She could then get into the car on her own. Luke got in on the other side and started driving home. Abigail felt bad since Luke had to be out of action because of her.

"Um... Thanks for staying with me Luke, and sorry you're missing out."

"Don't worry about it. This gives us a chance to get closer."

Abigail smiled and nodded at this.

"I guess it's just you and me now for a while."

Luke smiled and grabbed one of her hands as he can continued to drive.

"So it is."

(To be continued. I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading. Review.)

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