troubles Part 2

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Sept 13 2013 7:43pm

"Miranda," Arielle groaned to her friend over the phone, "I said I am still grounded for another thirteen days, I really want to see the movie but if I did sneak out my parents said they would send me to a military camp. I don't believe them but I just can't."

"Why not!" replied Miranda.

Arielle hung up.

"Arielle I told you not to call your friends! Do you want to be grounded for another month?"

"The thought of spending another month with you would kill me faster than starvation! And I am not eating anymore of your turkey-poop-pie

"That is twenty-seven more days you little brat! You would have been better with the johnstons!"

Arielle lay down in bed. Silent for a moment. A few moments later a muffled sob escaped her mouth, the beginning of her breakdown. The sobs quickly turned into quiet cries but progressed to louder ones but not loud enough for her poor excuses of parents to hear. Her breathing became shaky and the air seemed so thick not even a knife could cut it. Still breathing unsteadily, sleep engulfed her. Even in sleep her thoughts would not leave her. The nightmares she had could easily scar a normal person for life. From her mother being a witch to both her parents leaving her in an abandoned asylum. Although they were all different they had the same concept, her parents being mad then leaving her at a foster home. She even had one that had her boyfriend being struck by lightning. That was the witch one. Poor James.


She doesn't have a boyfriend...

That was the cute guy in her math class

She didn't think she liked him...did she?

Arielle woke up.


Oct 1st 2013 9:15

"Well well well is Arielle fox wearing," Miranda gasped, "make-up?!"

"Just because I am wearing that powder stuff on my eyelids-although most of it was in my eye- and and fancy chapstick doesn't mean that I am turning into you." Arielle replied playfully.

"First of all, ouch. Second of all it is call eyeshadow and lipgloss!" she replied. "So, who ya dressin' up for?" Miranda all ways talked like that when trying to get information.

"Will you not tell him if I give you ten bucks?" Arielle said annoyed.

"Wow gossip and ten bucks. Press and new scarf here I come!" Miranda replied jokingly.

"OK. I will be very embarrassed if I just say it so guess. He is in my math class and has brown, windswept hair."

"Adam?" a look of disgust creeped onto Arielle's face "OK, OK how about James?" Arielle blushed. "James!?" Miranda yelled while Arielle shushed her.

"Don't make me take that ten bucks back girl."

"Go on now. Can't be late. Go find your romeo in math class. Just don't stare. They find it weird."

Arielle got in a little too late so her regular seat was taken.

The only one left was in the back row.

In the corner.

Beside James.

Why couldn't she have suffocated during her break down?

James seemed a little bit more interested in her that day. Why didn't she find his starring weird? Why did she seem to do it too?

By the time Mr. Hartley was discussing on why everyone should keep a times table chart with them the two were making eye contact. And that was only five minutes into class.

Class was now over and Arielle was getting ready for language arts in her locker when James walked up to her. Arielle blushed. But instead he went to his own locker.

Beside her.

How did she forget that part?

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