little fishies.

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🌷deans p.o.v🌷

After everyone was done unpacking, we crowded in the living room. The cabin was pretty nice, all in all.

"What should we do?" Charlie asked, breaking the silence.

"Want to swim?" Gabe suggested.

Swim.. As in I have to wear swimming trunks. They'll see the cuts and bruises...I can't. I'll just use makeup... I'll ask charlie.

"Sounds good..." Cas smiled.

"Umm..dean?" Sam knew about dad, all the bruises and scars he gave me.

"Uh-uh...I guess so." I answered stupidly.

"Garth, you wanna come?" Jo turned to him and he just nodded.

We all went back to our rooms and got dressed.

I put a shirt on, with my trunks and walked out of the bathroom so cas could get changed.

"A shirt? Really? " he laughed.

"Shut up!" I scoffed, jokingly.

I walked over to charlie and jos room, and knocked.

"Come in!" Charlie yelled.

I walked in, she just nodded as if she understood what I needed, she also knew what happened, I told her a couple of months back. She threw a bag at me, I opened it to reveal makeup.I looked up and smiled at her, and said a simples "thanks." And left back to my room.

"Why do you have Charlie's make up?" Cas questioned.

" reason" I hurried to the bathroom.
After five minutes of putting makeup on, cas walked it. The makeup wasn't dark enough and it did not cover it. So cas saw every thing.

"W-what!? Why do you have those?" Cas hurried and sat on the floor in front of me.

"I into a fight? Yeah! I got into a fight."

"You're lying! What happened baby?"

I liked it when he called me that. I felt closer.

"Well, ever sense my mom dad has been...not himself-"

"abusive!?" He interrupted me.

", but has a short temper. So, when he found out I was charged with a crime I didn't. Commit-"

"Hold on, what?!"

"Well, its not that I hit a girl. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want you to hate me. Ya' see, crowely he...he hurt someone really bad... And I got blamed for it, because I was found next to the person when the police got there, it made me look bad. So I was arrested for murder, even though I didn't do it."

"Thats why you moved?"

I nodded.

"Anyways, once dad found out, he got mad. Took his anger out on me. It had happened again. I took all the beatings when he was drunk. I never let him touch Sammy. I told you he used to do it...but I said it wasn't that bad. But it was. You probably forgot, I was hoping you did."

Cas' mouth dropped as he began to tear up. I hugged him.

"Its okay , baby. Let's go swimming. Just..say I got into a fight."

He nodded , wiping his eyes.

We met everyone at the pool, I got an        occasional question or stare about the scars, but it was pretty good. We all swam for hours, before going inside.


Cas layed down in one of the beds. Saying, "goodnight dean."
I smiled getting in the same bed.
"Night cas"
Our legs intertwined, and I wrapped my arm around him.

And just Like that, we fell asleep.

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