"I love you."

"I love you too Pine tree." Bill winked and blew one last kiss to his beloved. 


A few days,months,and years, passed. Dipper continued to 'interact' with he invisible bill. He did find it hard a couple of times but slowly he adjusted. Just like bill said, he kept his promise and tried to interact with Dipper as much as possible.

Bill loved being able to see him but, lately Dipper hadnt been looking for him. He was already 27. Time in the mindscape was different. 2 days in mindscape was 1 year in the real world. That meant Dipper probably only talked with bill 4 or 5 times a year.  Maybe 6 if he as lucky to get a break. Dipper seemed to not see Bill's signals as much anymore, he was beginning to stray. 

One day Bill finally got the day off. He was anxious to go see dipper and tell him the news. He would spend all day with him, even if dipper coudnt see him. He just wanted to see that smiling face. As he entered the dimension, he entered right outside the shack. He made his way through the house but dipper wasnt there. Bill thought for a moment and headed to town. As he floated down the street he looked through windows for any sign of Dipper. 

Night fall had come and he spent the entire day looking for Dipper. His plan Failed. His last chance to see him again. As he walked up the tril back to the shack a car drove by. It was an old blue one. Bill recognized the car as Dippers. The one he had almost crashed at the shack. Bill flew toward it, eager to catch up. It didnt matter that his day was wasted. He just wanted to see him.

As bill got closer to the car it stopped. Bill was confused. Had dipper noticed him? That was impossible though, He was invisible still. He looked around at where they where. Lookout Point. 

"why would Pine tree be at the make out spot?"  Bill Flew closer to the car and looked through the window. There he saw Dipper and...a girl? They where laughing and talking. Dipper put his arm around her and pulled her in. At this point Bill couldnt watch anymore. Tears started to well in his eyes as he momentarily glanced to see them kissing. His heart dropped. He was angry and sad. 

"hoW COULD HE DO THIS TO ME!! I HATE HIM! I-I I love him..." Bill stopped floating and fell the ground. he sat on his knees. why. why did this happen? what had one wrong. He began to sob harder. Anger began to grow in his heart. His eye filled with tears turned red and he got up. He faced his body to the car with laughing adults and he unleashed his anger on the ground.  He punched the ground as hard as he could and it cracked. It began to shake as the town rumbled. He watched as buildings caved in, and people ran in the streets of the humongous earth quake.

Bill looked behind him as Dippers car began to back up and drive down the road. Before he could get far bill used his powers to cause a redwood tree fall in the path. He had never been so hurt. He hated this feeling. a powerful demon getting his feelings hurt by a meat sack. Unforgivable.  He watched as dipper and the girl got out of the car and made their way around the tree. Bill pushed once more and cased the ground beneath the car to crumble, leaving it in a hole.

Dipper turned around once more to look at his car. He then looked up directly at the crying demon. Bill knew he couldnt see him, but he also knew that Dipper could feel something there.

Bill took this last image of him and saved it with the rest of his fucked up hell. 

He never forgave, and he never forgot.


Even after the demon meeting was over he stayed in the mindscape. He was unlucky enough to stay assigned to the same stupid dimension. Bill hated everything. Because of his grande work of destroying the town with his earthquake, bill became the head of the Demon association. He made the rules. One of them being no demon was allowed to date any meatsack of any sort. o one had a problem because they killed meatsacks for a living. Bill continued to hate the Pines family. He hated Ford, he hated Stan, and Mabel, and especially the small, weak, meatsack, Dipper.

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