Chapter 12

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:Luna's POV:

Today I was sitting in the back of 12 grade mathematics class. I was texting Kyle, we were wondering about the next time we'll see each other. I'm turning 16 in three days so I thought that might be a good time. I left the classroom to find Ali. I was allowed to go anywhere because I was done with school. I found Ali's classroom, English, and helped out for a bit.

(after school)

I went home and literally rolled into bed. Bailey soon came in and started working on her homework, I helped a bit. Soon she finished and went to ask our parents if she can go out with some friends tonight, they're probably going to say no since it's a week night. I soon heard yelling, oh god. Sometimes Bailey gets really mad and then everyone starts fighting.

"But you let Luna, my younger sister, go on a month long tour!" I heard Bailey yell! Oh god I'm being brought into this. The yelling continued and I couldn't take it anymore, I dropped what I was doing, pulled out my hearing aids, and left my room. I went to the living room where everyone was fighting and tapped my mom on the shoulder, she turned her head.

I'm going on a walk, I signed to her and she nodded. I left the house and started walking. Whenever there's there's a fight in the house or I'm stressed, I'll leave all my electronics at home and take a walk. I usually take a walk to a park in our neighborhood and hang there for a bit. While I was walking a car drove past me, then a little bit it drove past me again, then again. Maybe they're trying to find parking? I hope. When I reached the park I sat on one of the swings. I turn my head for a second and saw the car park. Maybe they have kids and they're knew to the neighborhood and were looking for the park? I then felt a cloth go over my mouth and I passed out.


Hey guys sorry it took me so long to update... And sorry this is a short chapter.... I really hope you enjoyed this chappy, and what do you think will happen next? Well I'm gonna dash out! *tries to dance out door but crashes into wall instead*

My Big Sister's Group (MDE) (Kyle David Hall)Where stories live. Discover now