Chapter 27

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Kinsey glances up at Harry to see he's already looking at her, giving him a nervous smile, she leans into him as he threads their fingers together. Harry then leans down and whispers. "Don't worry you're a shoe in to win." He tells her.

"Shh, don't say that." Kinsey whispers back as they wait for the next presenter to walk onto the stage. This has probably been one of the most boring events she's ever been to, the only highlights have been when Harry won his Grammy with the song she wrote. Yeah she's won several, four others to be exact, but that didn't matter to her. The one coming up soon does though. It's for the Collaboration of the Year, she and Harry were up for this one and she so wanted to win this one with him. When she hears the music start, Kinsey looks up and starts paying attention.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen I'm Gemma Styles, I'm Anne Twist and I'm Robin Twist." The trio says.

"We were lucky enough to be asked to announce the next two categories the first being writer of the year." Gemma says.

"This young lady has written several amazing songs for herself and other artists." Anne adds.

"The songs she's written haven't only won her many awards but also the artists that sings the songs that were lucky enough to obtain songs written by her." Robin says.

"People like, John Legend, Madonna." Gemma says with a grin.

"Also Harry Styles, my son." Anne grins.

"So if our lovely daughter-in-law would please join us on the stage we would love to giver her her fifth Grammy of the night." Robin says as tears trail down his cheeks.

Kinsey smiles as she stands up, Harry picks her up, hugging her close. "I'm so proud of you." He whispers as he sets her back on her feet. Not letting his hand go Kinsey drags Harry to the stage with her.
"I think I've said all I need to say all the other times I've been up here." Kinsey smiles. "This time I'll just says Thank you, and I couldn't have done this without my support team behind me and my rock, my amazing husband Harry, love you babe. And yes Beyonce, he put a ring on it." Kinsey grins at her new friend as she held her hand up showing off her new wedding band.

Beyonce laughs and gives her a thumbs up as she and Harry walks off the stage, they don't go back to their seats yet though. They were told to stay where they were at just in case they won again.

Anne steps up to the microphone and grins. "Well now that you all know Harry is my son you all can bug the hell out of him and Kins about putting a baby in it." Anne says causing the whole arena to laugh. "Anyway, the next category is for best collaboration, the nomination are."

"Beyonce and Jay-Z, John Legend and Megan Trainor, Harry Styles and Kinsey Tapp-Styles, and Rhianna and Eminem." Gemma announces.

"And the winner is." Robin says as he opens the gold envelope he is handed. "HARRY AND KINSEY!" They all three scream at the same time.

The whole arena stands and claps as Harry carries Kinsey back out onto the stage, giving each parent then his sister a kiss he then walks to the mic. "One of the happiest moments of my life was when this beautiful woman agreed to marry me the next was when I heard her sing her hit song she'd written about me." Harry smiles, kissing Kinsey. "This comes in close second to the day she became my wife."

Kinsey grins and waits for the screams and claps to die down before making her last speech. "I have to agree with my husband on everything he's saying except one thing." Kinsey says. "This is a close third, our marriage is definitely at the top of that list, but." Kinsey pauses then chuckles. "Mom he's already put a baby in it." She smirks as she hands Harry an ultrasound picture as she takes the Grammy trophy. Once again the arena erupts into shouts and claps as the couple on stage is surrounded by their families and band members.

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