Chapter Fourteen: Xena

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Chapter Fourteen

When I finally reached a state of consciousness, the van was pulling over. My vision was blurry and my arm hurt like crazy. I realized my head was on Blaize's lap, and wondered if I had done that on my own. That would've been awkward. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, which helped clear my vision a bit. I tried to pick out figures around me, but it was too dark to see anything since my eyes hadn't adjusted to the pitch blackness of the van.

Where are we now?

There was movement to my right. I strained to see who it was, and soon enough I could pick out Morgan, clutching his jaw in pain. He grimaced, his bright white teeth flashing for a moment.

"Morgan?" I whispered.

"Xena?" He paused, flinching with the pain of speaking. "Where... are we?"

"I was just about to ask the same thing," I said with a sigh.

"Do you think they're awake by now?" The voice came from outside of the van, a feminine voice with a bit of snooty edge. Morgan put a finger to his lips, and I nodded.

"Maybe." Another voice, masculine and deep, but young. Maybe my own age.

"Well, should we knock them out again?" The feminine voice seemed irritated now.

"No. Let them wake up all the way."


"Why should we? They're fine. Get a grip."

"Who...?" Morgan started, but the sentence disappeared as more movement was heard, to my left now. It was louder, as if Sky and Blaize were waking up at the same time. Which they probably were.

"Ugh..." Blaize. He flinched, and his hands shot up. "Where the hell are we?" he hissed.

"Calm down," I said softly. "We're fine."

"For now," Morgan scoffed. I nudged him harder then I meant to in the ribs with my elbow, and he winced. I felt bad immediately after and was about to apologize, but the van door started moving open and brilliantly bright light started shining in. Was it daytime? Had we been unconscious all night? A figure that was dark in contrast to the light grabbed still drowsy Sky and pulled her out, hitting her head on the roof. Blaize reached out to her as a big burly fellow pulled him out. Next was Morgan, then me. The man who had Blaize thrust him towards the ground, but he righted himself so he didn't faceplant. Another guy tossed Sky towards the ground, but Blaize caught her. She collapsed into his arms.

"We probably shouldn't have given the tiny girls the same dosage as the guys." I heard the huge guy say under his breath. Morgan lost his balance, but righted himself when he was thrown. I began to feel woozy again, but was determined to not fall down. I guess the guy threw me a little harder than I expected, though, because Morgan had to save me from hitting my face on the van. I clung to him for support. My legs weren't working right.

The smaller guy pointed to a door way, then started walking towards it. I started to follow, but Morgan had to help. I felt ashamed, but relieved. We only took about three steps before he had to stop. The big man behind us pushed me back into Morgan to try to get me moving again.

I looked over at Blaize, who was carrying Sky. I started walking again, but Morgan pushed my knees under his arms and picked me up. He was stronger than he looked. As we reached the doorway, I felt it. The realization that Xaviers life was in my hands, and if I didn't do something soon, he could be die. Morgan walked through the doorway into a much simmer room. My eyes adjusted and I could see that it was empty except for one desk and a lamp, which was giving out the dim light.

The man walked through another door. This room was very bright and white and clean. A woman sitting behind a large white desk glanced up, surprised. She then stood up and started leading us down the hallway to the left of her desk.

"You will be interrogated in this room. Wait in this room until I tell you otherwise."  She pointed to another room.

At least she was blunt about it. Morgan set me down on the floor in the empty roomand sat next to me. Blaize sat with Sky still in his arms. She looked so tiny and weak. I leaned on Morgan shoulder. He shifted so I would be more comfortable. This person who I just met, carried me and made it so I was comfortable.

"Thanks," I said. He turned his head.


"You mean anytime she's wasted? Or when we're fighting for our siblings lives? Yeah. Great thing to say." Blaize said.

Morgan turned a shade or purple.

"You know what I mean." He said . Sky had fallen asleep, but started to stir. All eyes were on her. Her eyes fluttered openand she sat up.

"Where are we? Where's Celie?"

"We don't know yet. They haven't told us anything." The door swung open and the woman from before came in.

"X is waiting for you."

"Who's X?"

"He is the one who will ask the questions. Blaize. You're first."

Blaize set the still drowsy Sky on the ground and stood up. The lady grabbed him by the arm and pulled him quickly out of the room. The lights went out and it was completely dark. I went stiff with fear.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked, concern in his voice.

"Nothing. The lights going out just startled me."

"The lights are out?"

"Yes.That's why it's dark in here." Sky said.


"He has night vision, but normally he can tell the difference." She explained.

"Oh." We sat there for a long time. Eventually there was a noise, but it wasn't a good one. Someone was coughing. A television came on in the corner that I didn't notice was there. Joey came on the screen and Sky sat up. He was bent over in his cuffs, coughing up blood.

Just as suddenly, the t.v. went off and the lights came back on. Sky was crying softly into Morgan shoulder. He really was a good shoulder to cry on. The lady pushed Blaize back into the room. She must've been stronger than I thought, because Blaize tripped. He sat up and pushed himself against the wall.


Morgan stood up. Sky moved over to me and buried her face in my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her as Morgan walked out of the room. I looked over at Blaize. He had curled himself into a little ball in the corner.

"Blaize?" He didn't respond. I was worried. He didn't look too good. The lights went out again and I felt Sky tense up. I covered her ears and held her head to me. Joey came back on the screen. This time writing in pain while a figure whipped him. Blaize looked up and let out a gasp. He curled himself into an even tighter ball. The whipping went on for what seemed like hours.

The lights came back on and Morgan came tumbling through the doorway. He sat down and stared at the wall without looking at anyone.

"Xena. Come with me."

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