Chapter 2

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The Pearl Of Love:

I walk and walk under the heat

To find out what what lies beneath

A pearl waiting to be discovered

So soon to have been uncovered

Why may have I found the Scorching sun?

When a peaceful moon is still there, can nothing be done?

All these traffic cones may block your way, but will direct you to the right-hand side

Mean While

The deserted silence is still rushed away, by the forceful tide

I was the believer of risk

But some may and will be, way off the disk

Show resiliency, the little pearl speaks

For its your own path to brilliancy, on which it feeds

Successful keys are most varied

From which focus and determination, were both buried

Love the pearl, and dig your treasure 

They both will become yours truly with pleasure

A cursive story beyond the pressure, which I thought I would have found never

But I vowed to treasure, caring with pleasure, so the pearl may stay pure, truly forever

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