@Kayla-Writes Got Interviewed!

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Welcome to the first SaltandLightLit interview!

As our book title says, it is just fitting for us to recognize one of the many great writers in Wattpad. Aspiring writer or not, we are glad to hear from any Christian writer out in the community in the goal for us to be The Set Apart community.

In the recent two months, SaltandLightLit have been invited to be one of the judges. A judge in #ChristianBelievers' Summer with God Contest―which was planned by none other than the campaign. We are truly privileged for the opportunity that had been given to us to be one of the campaigns to hold the contest. And as two months had passed all of us, we all have witnessed the many comments and questions which evidently held great interest concerning the contest for Christian writers. And as the following months created new stories of seeing God for the first time or either recognizing their need to renew their faith in Him, we have seen the heartfelt passion of these great stories which was mainly to glorify and honor God through personal experiences or a fictitious set-up.

And today, we'll be having an interview with a great writer! We are proud to have her as one of the campaign's admin! She had been a blessing to this work, and a great help at that. Let's give a cheer to Kayla for winning #ChristianBelievers Summer with God contest!

Hi Kayla! Questions will be raised for you today. Are you ready?

Thank you so much for the interview!

Could you give a short introduction about yourself?

My name is Kayla, and I go by Kayla-Writes on here. I've been serving the Lord for over ten years now, and ever since then I've been called to write. I enjoy writing in different genres and putting my faith into it in hopes that whoever reads it gets a little closer to God. =)

Everyone would like to know you better. Could you share ten things about you?

-I love to listen to music while writing or reading, it can be instrumental or other bands I like like Kutless.

-Ever since my grandmother passed away this past May, God has worked with me. I am normally too shy or anxious to talk in front of a big group of people, but at her funeral the Lord gave me courage and a spirit of peace to deliver a speech that I hoped help clear doubts of where she was at and how she got there. Since then, I've become unafraid to give the truth to people. I'm sorry if I come off as harsh (and I have to some people on here), but the truth will set you free. I'm no longer afraid to stand up for what I believe in.

-I'm a very sensitive person, both physically and emotionally. It's easy for me to relate to people and God has made me an understanding person. My parents have raised me into a person that also doesn't tolerate idle talk.

-I love pastel colors and often use them for my personal icons and works.

-I am a graphic designer. I make book covers, banners, picture edits, and profile icons. I taught myself and have been doing it for about three years. I believe I have finally mastered PicMonkey and various other picture editing sites, haha.

-I have a short-haired Siberian hamster named Chubbles and I have gotten a Pomeranian puppy named Pookie!

-I'm not perfect, no one on this Earth is. I'm still growing and learning just like everyone else is.

-It's very hard for me to make other Christian friends on here, and I would be blessed if anyone could chat with me from time to time. I wouldn't even mind making a Bible study group or some sort of group project.

-I have so many book ideas that I have notebooks upon notebooks in my room of different books. (Which is why I try to share some through prompts)

-I go to a small church, and I absolutely love it because we cut no corners when it comes to the Bible! We are a Holy Ghost filled church who aren't afraid to use our God-given gifts!

What made you decide to join the contest?

I've been wanting to try writing Christian short-stories, and when I saw this contest I felt inspired to try it!

How did you feel about winning the contest?

I was completely surprised and not at all expecting it. I had just gotten out of church and saw that I had a message from ChristianBelievers, it seriously felt unreal when I read that I was the winner! Then I felt so blessed about it and thanked God for giving me this!

What inspired you to write 'I See You'?

Originally I wanted to write about a backslider but God decided to write for me and it went to an unbeliever coming to Christ for the first time. I wanted it to be beach theme, and I honestly let God write it. It was such an honor to write it.

Does 'I See You' have to do anything with your personal walk with God?

It doesn't really, I wrote it in hopes of encouraging others who may read it. Although I put in my own personal feelings of what I went through when I first got saved, since you have to really live that feeling to even try to describe it, and then it's really more of a you need to feel it in order to really get it.

What verse or quote from the Bible inspired you as you wrote the story?

It actually wasn't a verse or quote from the Bible that inspired me for this one, it was a song I hear in church a lot. It's 'More I See You' I think is the title of it. I posted some of the lyrics in the story, but it's a really amazing song and inspires me every time I hear. God overwhelmes me so much!

What was the goal of the story you wrote?

My goal was to be relatable. Whether you've known the Lord and are slipping away, or you're an unbeliever. I want the character's emotions to reach out to those who may have experienced that, and bring you back to your first love. Whether you are a sinner or a saint, it's okay to come talk to Jesus for a little while. Let Him lead you to the Father, and together make your life whole.

Would you like to say anything else?

I love the Lord so much, and please keep me and my family in your prayers. I hope to become a published author someday and spread God's word through my books. I want to thank my best friend for always being there for me and helping me out through the hard times and good ones. Thank you all so much for reading, and for your support! I know that with God, nothing is impossible! I would also just like to say to someone who may or may not read this. I forgive you, and I have forgiven myself, I hope to talk to you one day if you have done the same - you know who you are. I pray for you sister!


Let's give a big clap for Kayla as you do the emoticon down below where our comment section is!

Stay in harmony as we interview other Christian writers as well!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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