Number one

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It was a regular day at school, I had to go to the bathroom. My teacher let me go, I was on my way and the lockdown alarm rang. The rule at my school is that if you are out and about in the school and the alarm rings, you have to go to the nearest class. So I ran into a year one class and asked if I could hide in there. The teacher let me, a few minutes later the speaker said that the school was now safe and you could walk back to your classrooms. I started walking (I didn't end up going to the toilet) back to my classroom, I had to pass the oval. I looked down on the oval, the man was walking off the oval, he saw me. He started to run towards me, first a jog then a run then a sprint. I bolted to my class, I ran inside. I went over to my teacher and told her what happened, she rang the office, the alarm rang again. The man had to go to court, they decided to let him not go to prison. It turned out that he was a drug dealer, he had been on drugs to make him go crazy, plus he had been drunk.

It was a really scary experience, I was only in year 2 at the time, now I'm in year 4, I have moved schools, the next lot of events also happened at that school, that is why I moved.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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