just stay away from me

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I was walking down the hall on my way to chemistry class... I as nervous Benny sits right next to me and he hasn't talked to me since we got into that fight Friday night. I was going g to be late but I didn't care. When I turned the corner I saw Rachel and Jake talking standing by his locker I hid and listened.
Jake: we can't do this any more.
Rachel: why not we've done I plenty times before
There was a pause for a moment
Jake: I told y/n
Rachel: you did what
Jake: she thinks it only happened once though so... If it happens again she can not find out
When I peeked around the corner I saw them making out.
I stomped down the hall.
Y/n: are you kidding me. I have you another chance I trusted you. You told me you loved me and I believed you. How should you do this to me again!
Jake:y/n stop yelling you're drawing attention.
Rachel: y/n it's not his fault...
Y/n: oh shut up skank youre not better than he is and both of you stay the hell away from me.
I walked to class holding back tears. I know he's an asshole but that doesn't mean I don't love him. I walked into class and sat down with tears still in my eyes.
Benny: what's wrong
Y/n: nothing
Benny: obviously something wrong just tell me
Y/n: you don't care so stop asking
Benny: if I didn't care I wouldn't ask
Y/n: I cought Rachel and Jake making out in the hall
Benny: why do you keep going back to that asshole y/n you can do so better and you keep wasting your time on him
Y/n: not any more I'm all done no more cheating and no more Jake .

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