Synopsis + Copyright

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Mean Girl's Suicide

She's the mean girl that you see down the hallway; yes, the one you swerve around to avoid. Simply standing around her will fragment your ego. She's the one with the perfectly toxic smile on her lips, the one with eyes of ice. She knows she's the queen of the school. And she's the girl with the boys lined up to date her. They know nothing but her body and the sugar of her voice.

"There's Adriet. Shit, she better not see us."

"There's Adriet. Gosh, she's perfect."

"There's Adriet. She's the bitch of this school."

Adriet knows what they say. She can only take so much - after all, she's only human. But Adriet has a friend called Dree. Maybe not friends. Just yin and yang in one body and mind. It is a constant battle for control, but Dree is the one everyone knows. She's the mean girl whose lunch table you avert swiftly, lest you want your lunch over your hair. You don't know Adriet - if only by name, by body.

But Colton Ayers - school's cocky jock, or jerk - has seen her, and he is determined to bring Adriet out. All of a sudden, the life ruled by Dree has flipped upside down as Adriet begins to shine. Is it too late for Dree to save what she's always known? Or is it too late for Adriet to show her true colors?


My first ever teen fiction book, guys. And I'm hoping it's not going to be a cliche bad-girl-turned-good thing. You can probably see how I've tried to drive away from that in the synopsis, because I absolutely hate cliches. There may be mature content. Swearing is inevitable (what with the characters' roles here). Sexual content will try to be dampened but it also may end up being somewhat inevitable. Otherwise, I hope this book will be added to your library and a receiver of your votes and comments. 

Currently seeking a cover!



All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without prior written permission and agreement from I, the author.


Start Date: October 16th, 2016

Finish Date: TBD

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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